

Nothing particularly particular. 
That's how I can best describe the contents of today.

We had a super romantic valentines last night...well, unless you don't find Craigo's pizza buffet and Rocky Balboa in the basement super romantic. I, personally, get weak in the knees at the slightest mention of the combo. 
But really, have you seen that movie? 
I've never seen the Rocky series, so last night as we hunted for something to watch I picked it out (afterall, they ARE classics and I sort of feel unAmerican because I haven't seen them). 
Since it didn't have a number after it's title, we figured it was the first (which is usually a good place to start, no?).
When we got home and realized he looked pretty old in the movie we felt a little betrayed--like Horkley's movie rental had tricked us or something. In fact we almost turned it off and went to bed. 
Thank heavens we didn't!
Turns out it was a great movie, with some really funny lines and extremely genuine acting. 
I think we'll go back for the original Rocky series later this week, so that I can finally become a full fledged American citizen, but if you get a chance, I really do recommend Rocky Balboa.
In case you're wondering I hated my {top-knot} today. 
Marcus had a bad hair day today too. 
I have a feeling our hair consciences fell in love with each other last night while were sleeping and took off an a secret lover's holiday, hopefully they'll be back soon, so we won't have to struggle with conscienceless hair for the rest of our lives.
Although, it is pretty romantic that my hair fell in love with Marcus' hair ON Valentines Day, 
what are the chances?

What About You, Did You Have a Particularly Particular Day???


Beth's Blog said...

my husband and I just watched the whole series last week. They played one movie a night every night of the week. ( don't ask me what channel, my husband is the tv watcher) Rocky Balboa is good. I think the best movie out of the series is #2. I just love his wife Adrianne and there is a lot of character development in #2 .... (I think I just said too much about the Rockey movies) ...LOL :)

enjoy if you end up watching the rest!

Heidi said...

MM Craigo's is so good!

anna said...

i had an "i'm so tired i could fall asleep RIGHT NOW" sort of day. but of course, when i got home and got in my pee jays and got all cozy in my bed, i could do nothing but not fall asleep. *sigh* i look forward to tonight. 10:00pm. that bed, that sleep its mine!

and i've been sporting the top knot lately as well. i feel like it either looks fab or notso fab.

okay, now that i've written a blog post in your comments section, i'm going to go now.


lauren brimley said...

I think your top knot looks great! Silly girl.

I LOVED Rocky Balboa when I saw it. In fact, I think it is one of the first things I ever posted about on my blog! hahah! Hilarious.

Chelsea said...

Valentine's Day was beautiful.

But I mostly just want those earrings on your ears to be on my ears.

Maybe next year my Valentine will oblige.

Jennifer said...

I like your top. It's such a nice bright color. I think your hair looks cute!


lengli said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you!

My AP Biology teacher in high school actually made us watch Rocky 3--the one with the amaaaaaaazing Mr. T!--toward the end of the year. She wanted us to have "the eye of the tiger" as we studied and prepped for our AP exam. Can't say that it necessarily helped, but it certainly didn't hinder!

Erica said...

Your v-day sounds a lot like ours, except we made the pizza and watched Get Smart. Oh and it went down at 11 pm because my husband had band practice until 10. But I didn't care.

North Meets South

Mary said...

LOLOLOL!!! I haven't seen Rocky either. I know you're busy with the 30/30, which I applaud you for because I could never do that (my other clothes would feel left out and I change my clothes a few times a day). But, when you can I'd love to see a post about clothing suggestions for a photo shoot (colors, patterns and such). I have a shoot coming up and I'm trying to decide what to pull from my wardrobe. I need 6-7 outfits. Thx!! xo

Lara said...

It makes me happy that your hair fell in love with his hair.

Anonymous said...

i love (our version of craigo's) pizza pie cafe! so good! and i think your top knot looks awesome. :)

Alex Adamson said...

Oh how I miss Craigo's! That sounds like a perfect Valentine's Day to me. PS I'm loving the super blonde look on you.

mjMuffin said...

I haven't watched any Rocky movie either. I was also having a pretty bad hair day but it wasn't as cute as yours!

I did absolutely nothing to my hair but to let it do its own thing and be all natural.. which is not cute when it poofs out to like 4xs its volume, my used to be curls are now unruly tangled messes of dreadlike waves.. yet the top of my hair is flat except for the hairline frizzies.. anyway no more describing my nightmarish hair..

Valentines was just another day. I don't have a sweetheart. No guys at all in my life. & everyone at school is either too young or too old or taken haha. So I figured if I don't have a Valentine might as well dress like one. So I went crazy and wore ALL PINK. I stood out amongst thousands of college peoples wearing dark colors running from the rain and glooms as I walked my looking straight out of Legally Blonde sans the blonde part with my hot pink: skirt, pleather jacket, bookbag, umbrella all with matching hot pink school supplies. Everything pink except the silver pumps.

So.. the gloomy rainy unspirited normal day went on and at the dinner table the family and I agreed that love is expressed everyday and doesn't need a specific consumer filled day to show it.

mjMuffin said...

Thanks Ashley, you inspired me to post about my Hot Pink Valentines day haha. If only I had actually asked a random stranger to photograph me umbrella and all haha


Human Sparkler ♥ said...

Cute colors on you! You probably get this a lot, but we just nominated you for an award on our blog! :)

Jenny said...

Oh Ashley. I love the way you word things. I was reading it out loud to Jack and we were laughing out loud (because I dont LOL I laugh out loud.) Lovely outfit arent you loving this weather? I can't wait for this weekend! And we did have a particularly particular day. Lobster dinner and everything! Haha :)

Bekah McDuffie said...

I love your blue/yellow/red ensemble + accesories.
And your top-knot is top notch, Ashley!
But if the hair did run away together, then no doubt it was romantic!
Matters of Merrymaking

Tessa said...

I kind of feel un-American now too because I've never seen any of the Rocky movies! Woww those earring are gorgeous!

p.s. I'll have check out yesstyle.com! Thanks.


Jenny said...

Ps: I just realized your titles are in portuguese! ❤ I am thinking brazilian night soon. and german right after. haha

Alessandra said...

Hmmm, Rocky. I've never seen it from beginning to end, but you've made me curious now.

I love love love your outfit. Simple, chic and colorful. So pretty!

Brianna said...

You are so cute.. I think the top know looks great.. I have never really watched a Rocky movie, well except for the newest one.. My husband loves them.

Ariane said...

I think your hair looks beautiful. I also love that skinny belt!

Julie said...

If I could have had Craigo's pizza for valentines day my life would have been amazing!

I got the necklace at http://www.etsy.com/shop/saylorrose

You have to get one, I wear mine all the time. It's like carrying a little piece of home around with me at all times.

Thanks for the comment, your blog is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I found you via twitter and I stopped by your blog to tell you that I too, believe in unicorns. :) No really you have a super adorable blog and I love your blog banner. Now following. :)

Unknown said...

I LOVE CRAIGOS! I hate that they are naming it Pizza Pie Cafe in PRovo...just not the same :)

I just discovered your blog and i went to BYUI too. Love your bun, really, I don't think it looks bad!


Jenny said...

Ps: I just realized your titles are in portuguese! ❤ I am thinking brazilian night soon. and german right after. haha

Human Sparkler ♥ said...

Cute colors on you! You probably get this a lot, but we just nominated you for an award on our blog! :)

mjMuffin said...

I haven't watched any Rocky movie either. I was also having a pretty bad hair day but it wasn't as cute as yours!

I did absolutely nothing to my hair but to let it do its own thing and be all natural.. which is not cute when it poofs out to like 4xs its volume, my used to be curls are now unruly tangled messes of dreadlike waves.. yet the top of my hair is flat except for the hairline frizzies.. anyway no more describing my nightmarish hair..

Valentines was just another day. I don't have a sweetheart. No guys at all in my life. & everyone at school is either too young or too old or taken haha. So I figured if I don't have a Valentine might as well dress like one. So I went crazy and wore ALL PINK. I stood out amongst thousands of college peoples wearing dark colors running from the rain and glooms as I walked my looking straight out of Legally Blonde sans the blonde part with my hot pink: skirt, pleather jacket, bookbag, umbrella all with matching hot pink school supplies. Everything pink except the silver pumps.

So.. the gloomy rainy unspirited normal day went on and at the dinner table the family and I agreed that love is expressed everyday and doesn't need a specific consumer filled day to show it.

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.