{Tunes} on Tuesday Featuring: Carla Bruni


Granted, I have no idea what she is singing about, but I'm guessing that if I assumed it had something to do with Love, I wouldn't be too far off, no?
Perhaps some of my French readers could enlighten us...

This song, certainly is romance, but that shirtless, wandering soul in the back is, well, creepy. 
Do you think he lost something? 
Golly, if so, I wish he would find it and get out of the frame, he's giving me the heepie-geebies.

Do You Speak Another Language?
If Not, What Language Would You Like to Learn?

I studied Spanish in High School and College, I even lived in Cuernavaca, Mexico for a summer. I can't speak it but I'm pretty good at understanding.


ilene @ muchloveilly said...

hahaha that would freaaaaak me out, too!

language...i would totally love to fluently speak tagalog (one of the major languages in the philippines - its what my parents and extended family speaks). i understand so much of it but can't freakin' talk it. its so frustrating!

Anonymous said...

Well, it is about how life passes quickly, life isn't really worth anything etc. but someone still loves her. Even with my degree in French, it is tough to interpret!

Natasha said...

He lost his shirt because she is wearing it.

Lauren Byers said...

i like it!
I should speak French since I took 7 years of it in school. I kinda do but not as good as I should.
I also speak German because I went to a german school.
oh yeah that's because I grew up in germany!
But Spanish would definitely be useful to know here in the states..dang.

Kailey said...

i should get my french speaking husband to translate!

I speak spanish. I served a mission in Puerto Rico and it was amazing! However these days I'm afraid my skills are a little rusty with not much practice.

Annie Citrine said...


BAM translated. ...I didn't translate it.. I just found one. :) haha so it is kinda about love!

Joke said...

This is actually France's First Lady. Can you believe it? She's singing about someone telling her that her ex still loves her. She's wondering if it's true. I speak Dutch, French and English fluently. I also speak Latin but that's a dead language so I don't know if that counts! I speak German too but not as well as those other languages! I would love to speak Portuguese or Italian.

Rachel said...

I love Carla Bruni! She is one of my favorites. I speak French (my parents live in Paris) but as people have provided you with translations, I'll leave it. I think this song is seriously romantic...love it.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful song, defiantly sounds romantic. I speak portuguese and since it's similar to spanish i say I speak spanish too, but really I don't that much. I understand it a lot and speak it reasonably, just not perfect :)

Irene said...

I love this song, it's so sweet and the story so lovely!

I speak Spanis because it's my mother tongue! and then English and French fluently because I love them and have studied them for many years now! I also studied Italian at college and I love Japanese!!! :) I'm polyglote, can't help it! languages are my life!

Unknown said...

I love Carla Bruni, especially the song Absolute Beginners. It's in English, yey!

I wish I could speak better Spanish. I have just read it for a couple of years and I can just conjucate... Haha.
At least I know English!

Laura Eve said...

Yes that man is creepy.

Have you heard Gold Motel - "Stealing the Moonlight"

I think you might like it. And I'm making that assumption purely on the fact "Moon" is in the title. But also the song is super great. I love it. Here is a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3PiI3O49jc

Unknown said...

Well i'm Italian, so I speak Italian (if you need help with homework let me know), and i'm studying to become an interpreter, I'm studying French, German, Portugues and of course English. But i would love to learn any other language, i just don't have enough time left.
Anyhow you are great!!!

kylee said...

love her voice. & love that song even if i don't understand a single word. i took spanish for two years in middle school. didn't retain a single thing. wish i had.

Betsy said...

the direct translation of the title is: "Someone told me you still love me,"

I listened to this song over and over in high school and college.

If only we all could be a rock star's ex-girlfriend, a former model, musically talented and the first lady of France.

Savanna said...

I am going to take sign language in high school!

desorden150 said...

I speak Spanish and English and I am now learning Italian. I am from Venezuela so spanish is my first language and then English second. I hope to learn French, Portuguese and Greek as well.

Taylor said...

I'm fluent in Spanish. I learned when I was little but ALSO studied in Cuernavaca! I can't believe you've been there. I was there for 3 months. How about you? Did you study at the Uni? My school was called Kukulcan. You can find posts about it in my blog archives, in February of 2009.

kate said...

love carla. i always cook with her singing in the background.

for some reason, french music makes me feel like my food is going to be magically delicious (it usually isn't, but still.)

Blythe and Charlotte said...

Aside from speaking English, I'm learning German and Spanish! I know much more German than Spanish, but I can't wait to be fluent in both! I'd love to learn French too though! And Chinese (just to name a few!)


Kirsten said...

Lately I have been in love with french music! I am totally adding this to my playlist!!
Soo romantic!


Alessandra said...

I'm sure I left a comment yesterday, but no where to be seen.

I'm Italian and we make fun of Carla Bruni all the time.

Aiketa said...

hahah yes, the shirtless man is weird...

I speak Catalan and Spanish (both mother tongues) and then English (been studying it since I was 8).
I would like to learn French (I just live 45 minutes away from the border between Spain and France) and also Italian. I love all related with languages... but I don't have enough time to learn all I would like to.

jamiebarazoto said...

you know i love it. i went out with a boy last weekend who went to france on his mission and i sang the lyrics to him. he laughed but said i was almost spot on! i speak french! carla bruni style, that is.

Christine Marie said...

Your blog is lovely!
Also, yeah like everyone said, it's telling about what someone told her about her life and such. Sort of like "Nature Boy" where it's a conversation that changes her life or whatever. Blah blah blah.
"qu'elle qu'un ma dit" means "someone told me
p.s. all your outfits are just darling. Gah.

Victoria said...

I love Carla Bruni!
She can do everything! She's the first lady of France, she was a supermodel, and speaks like, abazillion languages (French isn't even her firt language!)

I'm jealous.

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.