

Marcus got me this necklace for Valentine's Day.
I love it because it's adorable, but mostly because of this tradition: The Wishbone.
And because it's usually described as AUSPICIOUS and I'm sorry, but could that word be any more enchanting? 
I. love.
that word.
I also love the month of March for a variety of reasons:
1. It's Spring Break time and I associate that with boogie board trips to San Diego with my dad.
2. It's Springtime and in Arizona the weather could not be more spectacular.
3. Green's my favorite color.
4. I love lucky traditions.
5. It's the host of St. Patrick's day-- which falls during spring break, everyone wears green, and it's full of get the picture.
Why am I already talking about March? 
I'm not really sure, but that's what's on my mind, so that's what you get to read about.

Oh, and look what my nephew made for his class:
It was the letter U day!
He's the cutest thing ever.

I'm also thinking about doing this during the month of March, so if you're interested let me know!

What's Your Favorite Month?
How Come?


reen said...

*gasp* green is my favorite color too!

Elizabeth said...

you look GORGEOUS. I love the red with your complexion.


Erica said...

October, hands down. My birthday, fall, Halloween. Is there anything better? Best colors, best weather, best food, best season and best holiday.

North Meets South

Unknown said...

so so cute! and the necklace looks awesome!
Cardigans and Cookie Dough

Breton Bay said...

what a gorgeous necklace and sweet gift. love your style!

Savannah said...

You look so pretty, I love the colors & that belt. July is my favorite month because it's summer & my birthday & the weather is perfect! I love March too though! I can't wait for it to be here.

Jess said...

I really like that necklace! Aren't nephews the greatest? I have two!

Skye said...

october for sure because i love pumpkins, fall, and halloween.
p.s. your necklace is magical.

Shannon said...

Green's my favorite, too! This is such a gorgeous outfit! The florals look great with the red cardigan and I absolutely love your shoes. (And you seriously have the prettiest hair ever. Just saying.)

I think November is my favorite month.

Unknown said...

First of all LOVE your outfit and the necklace is divine. Secondly I also love March because it is host of my birthday which is an awesome day... but also I love December for Christmas and after that April/October because I have a long standing tradition of going to Conference and I get to shop during Priesthood session and I just love it :) Just Love it!

Kitsune-kun said...

aw man I miss Arizona springs. Utah is getting sooooo oooollld and BYU doesn't even have a spring break. this semester is killer.

fun necklace!

Rachel said...

I'm going to have to agree with you, he is the cutest thing ever. I can't wait to be an aunt! What a sweet gift from the man, love it :)

Bekah McDuffie said...

You love your unicorns- I love that!
Ummm my favorite month is a tie between june + october. they represent total opposites in weather and activities!! love your outfit!
Matters of Merrymaking

Amanda said...

Jennifer Morrison's character on How I Met Your Mother has a wishbone necklace. Very enchanting indeed. Love it!

Irene said...

November, not only bc of my bday, but also the weather and the feeling that the year is almost ending but not really.. you get warm days but cold ones too, and rain and wind, and some lovely flowers!!!! :)

amber lynn said...

that is such an awesome necklace!! marcus did good :)

and your nephew is a cutie!! isn't being an aunt the greatest?!

Laura said...

I love the necklace!
I love any month with a holiday in it!

Ariane said...

What a talented little nephew you have!

Kailey said...

I love October! Fall leaves, Halloween, my birthday, my husbands birthday. I just love everything about the fall.

Love the necklace! It's so dainty and pretty.

The Chic Latina said...

such a cute outfit!!

Unknown said...

I love the necklace! And the floral top looks so good with the red.

Shopping and Spreadsheets

Elizabeth said...

I love the simplicity of the wishbone necklace. Beautiful! Bravo, Marcus!

Diana Smith said...

LOVe your hair in these photos, the subtle braid is so cute!

kate said...

october! my birthday, fall, halloween, pumpkin patches!

Unknown said...

march is my favorite month, my favorite color is green, and my birthday is st. patricks day, everyone celebrates my birthday with out even knowing it, its fantastic. and i'd like to think myself a very lucky person. :)

Unknown said...

love, love, love that shirt. seriously. a lot.

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.