Simon's First Halloween.


Halloween was simple and easy and as cute as can be. I found these authentic Austrian-made lederhosen and surprised Marcus with them one day. Since Marcus served his mission for our church in Germany and Austria, he about died when he saw Simon in them the first time. But who am I kidding, I about died too! Chubby baby + lederhosen...i can not!

I decided it was fitting that I be his milkmaid, since that is truly what I am at this stage in life, and Marcus had a traditional Trachten suit to match, so we were a complete Bavarian Family. Poppy wasn't with us during pics, but she didn't need a costume, since MinPins are a German-breed already!

We stopped by and "trick or treated" Grand-Mary and Boss and took some photos before the sun went down and then headed over to Andrew and Reachel's house to see cousin's in their costumes and eat Reachel's delicious vegetarian chili and my dessert cornbread (HAVE YOU MADE IT YET?).

Now that Halloween is over, I know we still have Thanksgiving, which I'm looking forward to, but for some reason I can't get Christmas off my mind! I feel like it's been YEARS since I've been really excited for Christmas, but something about having a kid in the mix is completely changing my attitude about it! Can't wait to start decoration and celebrating!

What were you for Halloween?
hat//old navy
gingham shirt//zara (similar)
lederhosen//IG closet sale
socks//old navy
lexypexy wooden pretzel teether// nobel carriage
teether clip// madeline's box


Emily S (Em Busy Living) said...

You guys look so cute! Love the tiny lederhosen! Also, really loving your new blog design! Looks great :)

Beverly Houpt said...

Yay! Your blog design!
I so wish we had taken photos like this with my DSLR for Halloween! We were robbers and Gwen was a sack of money. You guys look too adorable.

Irene said...

Simon looks really cute!!

Unknown said...

Simon is just too much in this! Also, I love your blog design.

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.