Stupid Girl.


Before Simon showed up, I remember telling people I couldn't wait for him to be born so that he could start growing up--all my life, I've never been a baby person, I love toddlers and felt like I was just going to have to persevere through this baby stage 'til I got to the good stuff. Last night, as I was breastfeeding Simon and he was taking a little rest on his 'personal pillow', tears started streaming down my face. I suddenly realized how fast those toddler days were coming, where his tiny head would no longer fit perfectly on my chest and when he wouldn't want to spend of all his hours in my arms. It made me want to go back in time and hug {slap} that girl I once was and tell her how very stupid she was--because these are the best times, everything is perfect and I never want this to end.


Natalie Britton said...

I love this photo and this insight :)

Simple Luck Blog said...

I've never been much of a "baby person" either - but maybe there is hope for me.
Thanks for sharing. And congrats again.

Noni said...

He is so handsome! Glad you are enjoying every moment!

lizzywrite said...

We've all been there. #thestruggleisreal He is perfect!!!! I love him already.

Unknown said...

Something only a mother can understand. And now you are one of us. :-)

Caitlin said...

With my first, my husband found me crying over him at three days old because I was convinced he'd be going to college soon. With my second (also a Simon!), I feel like I bummed and he's already 9months old. Enjoy every minute of tiny baby snuggles!

Anonymous said...

The time will fly away from you - make sure you take lots of pics, and write about all the great things. We didn't have a camera for a lot of the time ours were small (pre-digital), and with a total of 5 between us (he had 3, and was raising them alone when we met), there was no time to record too much. I wish now that we had been able to do more in that regard, because, as I watch my (step)grandson grow (via Skype, Facebook and email), I realise how fast the time truly does fly - my first 'baby' will be 26 this year, and the second will be 20. It goes too fast, and we are often too busy to appreciate it for what it is.

Brandi said...

So so sweet. I am still just so so happy for you! He's perfect.

Unknown said...

so cuteee..
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Libby said...

Haven't read any blogs since I went on maternity leave last January...randomly sitting here after putting my newly 1 year old down to sleep and for some reason looked your blog had a baby too! Let me tell you, time goes by sooooo fast. My son turned 1 on 1/31 and i cried for days. Write everything down (5 year journal is great!). Write down how he slept, how he cried, the coos he makes, and this and that, bc soon it is a blur. Video tape it all! Being a mommy is the best thing in all the world, isn't it?!? And just keep baby on your boob and he will still want mommy for a long time ;) I nurse on demand still and he is obsessed with his 2 girlfriend and snugging with mommy because of it! Boys love their mamas!!! I'm going to follow you on IG now (libbybays), can't wait to see more pics :)

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