Our Boy Is Here!


If you follow me on instagram {@ashleyanielson} then you've already heard and probably gotten your fair share of Simon pictures, but here on the blog I'm going to try and make this more of a chronological record of the whole thing--so here he is, one day old, wide-eyed and loving to look outside at our beautiful view of the sky.
Simon Atlas Nielson
Born// December 31, 2014 at 12:56 PM
Weight// 7 pounds 13 ounces
Length// 21 inches


Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys - he is beautiful xoxo

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! I love his name, he is beautiful!

Christy said...

Congratulations! What a fun way to bring in the New Year.

Liz Johnson said...

He is so cute! Congratulations! Being a mom is the best thing ever.

Becca said...

Congratulations!! He's adorable! Love his name too. Enjoy having this perfect little newborn in your life, it's going to be grand! :)

Natalie Britton said...

I LOVE the name Simon Atlas. He's just gorgeous. Congrats to you and your beautiful family!

Jessica Holly said...

he's perfect Ashley! Congratulations!

Beverly Houpt said...

Wah!!! I wanna meet this baby!
congratulations forever and ever <3

Irene said...

I already saw him on IG and FB but I have to say it again; congratulations!! he's so cute, can't wait to see him grow :)

K&R said...

he is so handsome ashley. congrats!

Sarah44 said...

I LOVE his middle name! So cool

sdfgxzcvhrtaraczrrt said...

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