37+ Weeks & Baby's Getting Ready


At this week's appointment I made Marcus come along so I had someone to grab onto while getting uncomfortably checked for dilation--it worked for a minute, but my instincts could not be fooled and once things got really uncomfortable, my body knew who was to blame for the current pain, and I was clinging to the doctor's shoulders as well. Luckily she gave me good news at the end of the appointment. Baby was still very low, I was 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced. She asked me how I felt about spending Christmas in the hospital, because she was fairly certain that was inevitable, I told her as long as he's healthy, there's no place I'd rather be! I'm trying hard not to get my heart set on an early baby, but let's be honest...my heart is set on it. 

I recently got criticized for not being more mushy about being pregnant, and while I'm truly grateful that things have gone relatively smoothly, that baby appears to be in good health, and I fully acknowledge that growing human beings inside of us is, like, totally rad and all, I'm not going to BS that this whole being pregnant is something that I really enjoy doing, because I don't.

I know once this baby is in my arms and a part of my life, I'm going to be crazy about him, but right now, he's just something that makes me highly uncomfortable--so sorry if I admit that I prefer babies outside the womb (watch me eat my words when I can't sleep or shower...:)).

I just can't wait to meet this little guy and start to learn who he is, what he looks like and what familial traits he inherits. Forty weeks is a long time to be pregnant--I'm ready, so let's do this little guy!
olive striped pencil dress//sold out (similar hereherehere, here, here or here)
arrow necklace//stella&dot (buy here)
floral scarf//old j.crew (similar here)
watch//arvo (similar here)
ankle strap booties//old target (similar herehere and here)


Emily (Em Busy Living) said...

Thank you for being honest. I wish more people would be. In a world where birth plans, feeding plans, etc, are judged beyond reason, it's pretty dang hard to be honest... When it's my turn (no time soon, I'm sad to say,) bring on the pain meds and let's just cut this thing outta me, alright? Pregnancy sounds scary and hard. You're almost there! Good luck to you guys!

Beverly Houpt said...

My best friend had her baby Christmas morning last year!
Good luck to you no matter when your little guy comes :)

Rebekah said...

I didn't mind pregnancy (until the 3rd trimester when I just wanted to be done) but you're totally right! Babies are 100x better outside than inside!

Lisa said...

I find it entirely rude to criticize anyone for how they feel. How would they feel if you criticized them for being so emotional all the time? Just because your feelings aren't the social norm someone has license to open up their mouth and let whatever just roll out of it? I swear. People be on my nerves. You are not alone lady. I wasn't so in to pregnancy either.

Alicia Snow said...

I love this. Pregnancy is completely awesome, but I am so impatient for it to be over so I can have this baby with me already.

Irene said...

Honestly, you don't have to apologise for feeling how you do! Every single woman lives pregnancy in a different way and if you don't like, you just don't! I'm also quite scared and partly disgusted about being pregnant (I've never been), so I totally understand that you prefer having your baby out in your arms :)

Melodys Voice said...

I love your honesty. I loved being pregnant the first time around, but honesty, I'm over it this time.

Jessica Holly said...

lol no judgement here! I'd have a million kids if I didn't have to go through a pregnancy with each one! I think the only thing I truly enjoy about it is the kicks... but let's be honest even those get annoying in the end! Babies are so much better outside the womb- lack of sleep included :)

Kara said...

I heard you had the baby - congratulations!! I in NO WAY think you should be "mushier" about being pregnant. It sounds HARD dude. I think you can be realistic about the pains of pregnancy AND appreciative of your body for doing that super cool thing.

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