36 Weeks & Drama at the Docs


This week was the week I've been simultaneously dreaded and counting down the days for. At 36+ weeks, it was my first internal exam OB appointment and while that whole concept is uncomfortable to me on multiple levels, I've been having so much pressure in my pelvis, I was dying to know if I was progressing!

When I got into the office, I did my pregnancy patient duty and left a urine sample in the bathroom, then they called me back for weight and blood pressure. The lady taking my blood pressure took a second look at my chart and then back and me and told me my blood pressure was high AND they had found protein in my urine--both are signs of Pre-Eclampsia (a very serious condition during pregnancy). I immediately asked what else could cause these symptoms, because for some reason the idea of me having Pre-Eclampsia just did not seem right. I had always passed my OB appointments with flying colors, and I had no swelling, which is a big sign of P.E., so I didn't really stress out, while I waited for the doctor to come check me. 

I did, however, run through the scenario of my doctor coming in and telling me I would have to go straight to the hospital for an emergency C-Section, and the whole Birth Plan I had so carefully been devising in my head this entire pregnancy and had finally written out the very night before, becoming completely void, and having to call Marcus, who was home painting our bathroom to tell him to grab my bag and meet me at the hospital. And while in my mind, it sounded like basically the worst case scenario and everything I had been dreading, I still felt perfectly calm about the whole thing, so I knew either that was what might happen, and I could be at peace with it, or it was all going to resolve itself and that's why I wasn't feeling panicked.

The doctor came in and was informed of the situation, she looked at my legs to check for swelling and also looked a little confused at the readings from the nurse, but she checked baby's heart beat and did her exam and let me know that baby was sitting very low and I was dilated to a little more than a 1, she then saw Baby kick one of his monster kicks and laughed, then saw another mega kick on the complete other side of my belly and looked a little confused, she felt around and she then informed me she wasn't sure he was actually head down, and wanted to do an unplanned ultrasound--which is rare, as our office only does the gender ultrasound, and that's it. 

So, I was concerned about the idea of having a breech baby, but also excited that I got to have a little peek at my baby. She did a super quick look and was relieved to tell me his head was down and even gave me a little look at the baby's face--which was completely adorable, by the way.

They then had me rest for a bit and took my blood pressure once more--this time it was right back down to my regular healthy range--she told me my body was just done being pregnant and she wanted me to take it really easy for the next few weeks. Basically she wasn't concerned about P.E.

It was a weird appointment, not anything of what I was expecting, but it was nice to know that even when presented with all my fears, I felt so calm and while I hope everything goes smoothly and like we hope and expect, I know I can handle whatever may arise. 

I feel strong.
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Did you have any pregnancy scares?


Beverly Houpt said...

Ah, that would be so frightening! Glad you're doing A-OK

Becca said...

This happened to me with my second baby! It was crazy, but I had no protein in the urine, and they were still super cautious with me. You'll be fine though, relax and take things easy. My biggest pregnancy scare was with our first. I went into labor with him and while all hooked up and having my epidural his heart rate started to fall WAY low, so I had a crash emergency c-section (my doctor was pulling other doctors from meetings to help out!), which meant I had to be put under because I wasn't numbed up all the way. In the end everything turned out right, he was a big ol' 9 lb. baby that I wouldn't have been able to push out anyway, so I got to see him sooner than laboring into the wee morning hours. :) Love that you have your birth plan, just be prepared for anything. I had just read about c-sections two weeks before so I could know about it, helped out a lot when I did have a c-section. So excited for you guys, and this last month is going to drag by but love every second of it, sometimes you will miss just having the baby to yourself. ;) Sorry for the novel.

Kayla Moncur said...

I'm a model patient all through pregnancy and then, right at the end, my blood pressure always goes crazy. It happens! You're almost done- just sit on your butt and get as much rest as you can!!

Branden & Aubri said...

I used to read your blog all the time and somehow I forgot about it! Anyway, I just stumbled across it again and I am so excited for you guys!!! Being pregnant and having a baby is the coolest experience. My little boy just turned 1 yesterday. It goes by so so fast!!

Brandi said...

Beautiful as always friend. Glad you're feeling strong and well.

Simple Luck Blog said...

I'm glad everything is ok and that you feel peace. I wish you the best of luck with everything! .

p.s. how did you get that large "He is the Gift" banner? I would like one for my blog.

Ashley Bagley Nielson said...
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Ashley Bagley Nielson said...

Candace, email me, and I can get you in contact with my friend at boncom and they can probably get you a code for one. Ashleyanielson @ gmail

Sarah44 said...

So glad to hear! Hope all goes well the next couple weeks!

Andrea said...

Ashley--you past me up! I started swelling bad at 33 weeks, but my proteins were fine as was my blood pressure. But then I went in the next week and my blood pressure started to rise and there was protein there. At 35 weeks and 5 days I had to go to the hospital and was admitted and my body was in labor all its own and at 35 weeks and 6 days my man was born! Keep resting, let others wait on you (i was working up to the day I delivered), and get ready! Its so exciting!!!

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.