quatorze ♥


I was outside the school taking pictures when this scene plays out:

NOT ONE WORD! Hahahahahhahahahhahahha, it was pretty hard to take any more pictures after that because I was in hysterics.
 Thank you stranger in black--you really put the cherry atop my already surprisingly pleasant day!


lauren brimley said...

OH MY GOSH I AM DYING! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Becca said...

hahah this is so funny.

anddd how the heck are you not freezing to death out there?? it is so cold today!

Kaitlyn said...

very cute! love the scarf ;) and how funny is that story about the stranger!

Allison said...

Haha, that's hilarious and SO RANDOM! I wonder if she knew she'd end up on this blog? :)

Kirsten said...

That is soo random!! I love it!
I would be laughing myself silly!
I am so in love with your shoes.
And i love that you wear them with socks!
Uber cute.


Katelyn said...

hahahaha hilarious! i am loving those socks with those shoes...oh, and the rest of your outfit pretty much rocks too.

Happy V-day!

Tessa said...

HAHAHAHA! That is fabulous. I hope something like that happens to me! How great is that your 14th outfit landed on valentines day?!


Lara said...

:Cackle: I think that's gonna be my new hobby, jumping in on pictures and then running away. ALL IN SILENCE! Can you imagine the memories?! You would become famous! In everyone's pictures!

Kari said...

Ohhhhhhhh my gosh, this is SUCH a BYU-I thing.

There are so many (friendly!) weirdos lurking around campus!

One time, my husband and I were walking to class and his eyes were watering (you know, since it's so cold it pretty much makes you cry) and this random girl walks by, stops, and says, "You look sad," and then she HUGS him.

So hilarious/random!!! ;)

anna said...

haha! how funny! random.
but i love the outfit. mooey mucho (yeah, i don't know how to spell in spanish...)

Rebecca said...

hahaha.. love random people you come across on church school campuses. that is awesome

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

That is so funny!

Alana said...

I adore your style. And your hair is amazing! I found you on the remixer list. So glad I did. U can find me at http://ilovedenham.com

mj said...

whaaa? that's so funny. that's the kind of thing I would love to do to some strangers.

Jenni Austria Germany said...

what?! that is so strange and hilarious.

HollyDolly said...

That is so hilarious! I wouldn't know what to do either besides run haha. Anyway, your scarf is gorgeous. I love the bright red for valentines.

I tagged you here for the stylish blogger award. I'm not sure if you've had it yet or not, so play along if you would like... or not. No biggie!


Sandy a la Mode said...

can i just say i love ur blog?!!?! :D

Suzi Q said...

bahhahahahah! I love it. I should do that to someone sometime just to see what would happen.

The HousewifeTravels said...

I just wore that scarf yesterday! I'm always a little concerned that it's too big and thick but your pics help me see that it's great. Thanks

Elaine said...

Hahah! That's so funny. Did you really not know her??


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious/creepy!! Random question... where do you get all your colorful socks? haha I think they're adorable and add such a fun pop to your outfits!!

The Pretty Life Anonymous said...

OMG You didnt know her?! You are nice to let her in your pic. I would have been like "who the heck are you get outta here!"

Shea Lennon said...

What a funny story! I need to start taking photos in more public places--that's too hilarious!
I love the bright scarf and socks--they're so much fun!

Aiketa said...

YAY for spontaneity! That's so much fun!

Nothing to do with the post but... I don't know how you manage to do all your pictures outside (with all the snow and I assume it must be really cold) without any coat and not looking you are cold! I hope I have explained myself well enough to be understandable.

jamiebarazoto said...

hahah i can picture your laugh when i see the last picture. i want to hear your laugh very soon in real life.

mj said...

whaaa? that's so funny. that's the kind of thing I would love to do to some strangers.

Elaine said...

Hahah! That's so funny. Did you really not know her??


Lara said...

:Cackle: I think that's gonna be my new hobby, jumping in on pictures and then running away. ALL IN SILENCE! Can you imagine the memories?! You would become famous! In everyone's pictures!

Kaitlyn said...

very cute! love the scarf ;) and how funny is that story about the stranger!

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.