Day Two//Loveless Cafe


After a yummy local breakfast at Barista Parlor, we packed up and said goodbye to The Foxhouse in the woods. It was sad to leave (have i convinced you yet to book a trip to this treehouse?!), but we were excited to start the rest of our trip.

Before getting out of town, we popped into Nisolo Shoes Warehouse to see those IG beauties in the flesh and we even got to meet their new pup! Oh man, he was so cute and fluffy! The shoes weren't bad either *HEART EYES*

Then we headed down the road to drive through the historic and breathtaking Percy Warner Park. We rolled down all the windows and took in the crisp Autumn air. It was there that we really found the Fall colors for the first time. Pictures couldn't do this place justice, but it was so peaceful and gorgeous, I kept saying to Marcus, "I mean, no one would really notice if we just built ourselves a tiny house back there in the woods, would they?!" My mom called while we were driving through those windy roads. They had just gotten to their mission in Arkansas and I was trying to describe how beautiful it was where we were and see if Mountain View, AR was similar.

We then found ourselves in the Belle Meade neighborhoods--which is maybe the most insanely enviable neighborhoods in all the world? Have you been? I seriously couldn't contain myself. Those estates were oozing with charm. I couldn't even believe it was real life. We were too busy dying to snap any pictures--which I truly regret, but I guess it just means we need to go back!

It was getting late and we had a bit of a drive back to our next airBNB, so we hurried over to get a bite to eat at the famous Loveless Cafe. Our waiter was hilarious and our food was two thumbs up! It's so fun being in the South and getting to try all these things you've only ever heard about in books and country songs! Everywhere we went, if collard greens were on the menu--they were soon on our plate! I will say that the mac 'n cheese at Arnold's was far superior to that of Loveless, but THE CREAMED CORN at Loveless was, BOOM! MIND-BLOWING! I feel like it would worth the plane ticket over, just for that creamed corn. OH EM GEE! Tennessee does NOT mess around when it comes to comfort food, let me tell you.

We ended up hitting up a health food grocery store that night for some fresh produce, to make ourselves feel better about what we'd been eating, but really, it was all worth it. Good food is ALWAYS worth it.


Lauren said...

YAY! I am so glad you enjoyed Percy Warner and Belle Meade. I will never forget the first day my hubby and I stumbled into Belle Meade - beyond gorg. And Percy Warner?! How amazing is that place. Glad you enjoyed your time in Nashville! I will have to go to some of those restaurants you mentioned! Shockingly after living in Nashville for 3 years I still haven't been to Loveless (gasp!).

Cutie and the Geek said...

LOVE the Barista Parlor! My sister too me there after I flew into Nashville to visit her in Chattanooga! GREAT coffee :)

The Melissa Lifestyle said...

A truly beautiful family :)


© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.