{Top Five} Friday


{Top Five} Foods You Should Never Share
1. Milk & Cereal
2. A Bean Burrito
3. A Creamcicle
4. A Chicken Leg
5. Soft-Serve Ice-Cream on a Cone
Marcus and I were discussing this topic of foods you should never share last night and we both agreed that cereal should make the top of the list, but you know what happened this morning? 
I was sitting at the counter eating my Peanut Butter Captain Crunch when suddenly my spoon is removed from my hand and Marcus is taking a bite. out. of. my. bowl! What the?
"Did we not JUST talk about this?" I reminded him. 
"Oh. Yeah. Well, I couldn't decide if I wanted some..."

Turns out it wasn't as gross as I thought it would be...but still.

What Do You Think Should Make the List?


lauren brimley said...

I agree...sharing cereal is a NO NO! Sick!

Lara said...

Hehe one time in marching band, 9 people shared a single chicken wing. Ummm.... gross.

Anonymous said...

funny you should mention that. just this morning, i asked my husband for a sip of the milk from his cereal, because i was practically dying from thirst. and it WAS gross. felt weird to share that.

Irene said...

icecreams and popsicles!!

Claudia said...

I 100% agree! I had the same conversation about cereal and milk with my hubs earlier this week. He doesn't think it's gross but I cringe at the very thought/act. Glad to see you agree.

kate said...

gum- obvi..

this isn't food, but a couple friend was camping with us once and the guy was like "hun. where's your toothbrush. i need to brush my teeth."


sharing toothbrushes? ew.

Taylor said...

soup. same idea as cereal and milk, i guess.

The Pretty Life Anonymous said...

HA! Ok. I just sent the link of this post to my husband. I mean it. He always wants a bite of my cereal and it makes me want to barf. He doesn't get it. You have just done me such a service. Bless you!

Tessa said...

I agree! I think just sharing any food that causes you to use the same fork just gives me the heebie jeebies! Also lollipops and popsicles but I guess that would fit under the ice cream cone and creamsicle category.


Unknown said...

Sharing anything that you don't eat with silverware definitely grosses me out. I do kind of share my cereal though...my cat always gets the milk when I'm done. Does that make me gross? Or just a cat lady?

Shopping and Spreadsheets

mjMuffin said...

how about fruits? like hey can I have a bite from your apple? ... uh no thanks? oranges and grapes are okay or any individual portiony or I guess sliced fruits.

Oh and gum... yeah gum sharing kind of defeats the purpose of gum for me.

for cereal I've luckily never had the chance to share. haha no one ever wants to because I have cereal with chocolate silk soymilk and in the bowl/cup it looks like lumpy brown creepy stuff rather than attractive cereal so ususally I get an opposed expression of eww what are you eating?

AmandaB. said...

I don't really share cereal. I'm a cereal fanatic and generally my husband always wants a bite or two of my cereal and I'm okay with that.

I'm okay sharing any food with him really. But I do not like to share tooth brushes. Some people are okay with this, but I do not like it.

Erica said...

Gum. I don't know if that counts as food, but you definitely DONT share gum!

North Meets South

cailen ascher said...

haha...i guess i'm pretty gross b/c i can't think of any food that i'm totally skeeved out by sharing...

cute picture!

Ella A. said...

anything you dip or lick. of course, since I have had kids, but level of dignity has gone waaaayyyy down. It takes a lot to gross me out. I've pretty much seen it all and most of the time have had to clean it all up.

ps. i received your most lovely thank you card today and it made my day. really, it did! xoxo

Kara said...

Peanut Butter Captain Crunch, really?

Jenni Austria Germany said...

this is funny. and peanut butter captain crunch sounds GOOD!

S said...

A cupcake. People just need to have their own cupcake, it should be a rule.

Ariane said...

Anything hand held or on a stick is probably more of an individually consumed food, I think.

Jill Bagley said...

I am SOOO with you on the cereal one!! my sister always took bites of my cereal growing up, and i have serious issues with it. poor jason, he always takes an earful when trying to steal a bite from my cereal!
i dont have an issue with "stick food" but as a general rule, i dont share anything that is deliciously yummy ;)
sharing apples is kinda gross too.

Beth said...

anything you dip or lick. of course, since I have had kids, but level of dignity has gone waaaayyyy down. It takes a lot to gross me out. I've pretty much seen it all and most of the time have had to clean it all up.

ps. i received your most lovely thank you card today and it made my day. really, it did! xoxo

Erin said...

funny you should mention that. just this morning, i asked my husband for a sip of the milk from his cereal, because i was practically dying from thirst. and it WAS gross. felt weird to share that.

Lauren said...

I agree...sharing cereal is a NO NO! Sick!

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