

You know when people tell you that you look like someone and you can't really see it?
That's how I've always sort of felt like with the whole Luna Lovegood reference...like I could see resemblances, but people always acted like we looked exactly the same. 
Well, that second picture...I can finally see it! Hahah creepy.
Now on to some photos you might actually be interested in seeing:
HOLY COW! Marcus is so dang attractive. Always. But especially when he wears that grey v-neck I bought him from Banana Republic (on sale for $3). 
That's all.


Alex Adamson said...

Haha I was actually just thinking about how much you look like luna lovegood the other day when I saw a Harry Potter poster! PS I like how Marcus is doing his hair! It's very Ezra from Vampire Weekend.

Elaine said...

Is that the first floor of the library? by the entrace near the Snow building... Because that was "my spot".

brandilyn said...

i seriously cannot believe how much time is left in the 30 for 30. i'm so done with it. haha. and yep, my hair is darker! and you and marcus are quite the attractive pair :)

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

OMG this is so funny because when I first came across your blog, I instantly thought Luna Lovegood... like I always think of you like that haha... your prettier though :)

Lara said...

Wa---! You DO look like Luna Lovegood! That's crazy!
People keep telling me I look exactly like Justin Timberlake... I don't know if I should be offended or not.

Anonymous said...

haha, i think you're a prettier version of luna too!

anna said...

you know, you do look like her! she's my fave so, in my eyes that equals the bomb dot com.

Kailee said...

Your library looks just like mine! Which is not surprising because how different can you get in libraries haha. Plus I think our only difference is that yours is in Idaho and mine's in Provo.

And this is funny but I totally think you look like one of my best friends. We just became friends recently but now every time I look at your blog I think of her! You're both like super gorgeous. Anyways, have a nice day. I like how you belted the button-up. ;)

Kayla Moncur said...

You know, I could never quiiite put my finger on who you looked like. I just knew you looked like someone. But as soon as you said Luna Lovegood I thought, "THAT'S IT!!" So ya, put another person in the LL camp.

And I mean that in the best way possible. You are too darling for words.

Freckles in April | a modest clothing blog

Abby said...

I can see the resemblance! And I love love love your outfit! And also how all of your titles are in french :)
bisous, Abby


Chelsea said...

I have a secret: I didn't know who Luna Lovegood was. But, according to the google images I encountered on my quest for visual representation, you could definitely be a better hair-ed version of her. Very good.


Ashley said...

Luna is pretty much my favorite, her and Fleur just because I love french! You could totally be the improved version of Luna!

And, hi. I've never commented before but I love your posts :) Did you ever watch Recess growing up? I think we could make a pretty supreme "Ashley" posse. Just sayin'

Jenni Austria Germany said...

tell marcus the H&M in nuremberg is having a v-neck sale...all colors for 1 euro. with the money you'll save there, your plane tickets may as well be free, right?

Irene said...

for next week you should write the numbers in español! ;)

HollyDolly said...

Oh wow, i never thought that before but now I totally see it! Luna is my fav :) My brother got me her wand for christmas haha :)


Anonymous said...

i love your love for your husband :-)

Veronika Novotny said...

ooh, this outfit is absolutely gorgeous! Your yellow tights are brilliant, they look amazing paired with grey, and lovey the boots too. A perfect look! Oh my goodness you do look like Luna Lovegood. Happy Friday. xx veronika

Unknown said...

Now that you say it, I see the resemblance. Anyway, I love this outfit, and those tights!

Shopping and Spreadsheets

B said...

Oh wow! You do look like Luna Lovegood! I never thought about that but now that you bring it up it's really obvious to me.

Also, I love your yellow tights! And I love the yellow and gray combination. :)


Bri said...

Oh wow! You do look like Luna Lovegood! I never thought about that but now that you bring it up it's really obvious to me.

Also, I love your yellow tights! And I love the yellow and gray combination. :)


Kayla said...

You know, I could never quiiite put my finger on who you looked like. I just knew you looked like someone. But as soon as you said Luna Lovegood I thought, "THAT'S IT!!" So ya, put another person in the LL camp.

And I mean that in the best way possible. You are too darling for words.

Freckles in April | a modest clothing blog

Jenni Austria Germany said...

tell marcus the H&M in nuremberg is having a v-neck sale...all colors for 1 euro. with the money you'll save there, your plane tickets may as well be free, right?

Alex K. Adamson said...

Haha I was actually just thinking about how much you look like luna lovegood the other day when I saw a Harry Potter poster! PS I like how Marcus is doing his hair! It's very Ezra from Vampire Weekend.

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.