Freedom Cage.


Alright, another weekend full of excitement is upon us, so before I get engulfed in it all and forget about the blog, I figured I should update you on what the going-on-around-here’s of last weekend were.
If you’ve been reading the blog for a while you already know that Marcus is in a band called
This band is comprised of 5 members:
Jack, lead vocals/song writer/guitar, and main-squeeze of my favorite Brazilian, Jenny,

Luke, drummer, twin brother of Jack, single, handsome, and Texan,
Drew, banjo/guitar, recently engaged,
Jeff, guitar/glockenspiel, single and adorable,
and Marcus, bass, charming but taken by some girl named Ashley.
Their good friend, and fellow Texan, Charles, heard them play at Sammy’s and volunteered his musical services (recording equipment and expertise)--so the entirety of last weekend was spent in our basement/ turned recording-studio, recording a CD for their CD release show coming up on the 11th March (The Archer’s Apple will be opening from them, so basically it will be the best concert of my life).
Anyways the weekend was a BLAST! 
Not only because I got to spend it all with my best Idaho friend, Jenny, crafting our lives away on the cutest darn pillows you’ll ever see, but because there is a magical energy that comes from Old Money’s music and from the excitement each of the boys feels for their stuff. 
Seriously, I've listened to the rough cuts from the recording at least 116 times this week and am stoked for them to get more done this weekend so that my musical selections can expand for this coming week!
So, if you don’t hear much from me in the next few days, it’s because I’m either at the sewing machine making a backdrop for their next concert with Jenny or I’m in the basement taking in the sweetness that is Old Money.

You’ll be hearing more from me on the subject as the concert date approaches, I’m sure.

Have a great weekend!


Irene said...

that's awesome!!!! I realy wanna listen to their music so you better let us know when they have songs online, k?
my boyfriend is also in a band, they're on a "forced break" at the moment but their album just went on SPotify!!!! and other music platforms I don't remember... their name is la sortie (in French)!/lasortie this is them in Facebook, you should listen to them! :) (my boyfriend plays the bass!!)

desorden150 said...

Ok this is so weird! Because I know they boys from Archer's Apple (actually through you, meaning I heard about them through you and then I met them) and also this Charles kid was in my political science class at BYU last semester!! This is so weird!!! I hope they do a concert here in Provo. I also really want to listen to Old Money so you should figure out how to put in on your blog!

Brittney said...

sweet! enjoy and good luck to them all! (and you...sewing that backdrop...)

mrsmonje said...

that is so so cool!!!

have a great weekend!

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

never knew this - but this is so cool! have fun with all the prep for it - for you sewing and for the band getting ready. sounds like fun!!

kylee said...

oh myyyy i know some of the boys in the archer's apple! they really are soo good. seth's voice is quite amazing.

Marki said...
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Marki said...

love your blog! :D i made your t-shirt necklace. and mentioned it on my blog!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh - you're married to a rockstar! I am definitely jealous! Haha. You should but some music up on the blog :) Judging by the instruments and the name, they sound pretty good.
Have a great weekend!

oona said...

oh i looove the archgers apple! lucky girl

Amanda said...

ookayy hook me up with the glock player, seriously, ok if he's still single in like 18 months. :)

Ariane said...

That girl Ashley looks like a sweetheart!

Amanda said...

ookayy hook me up with the glock player, seriously, ok if he's still single in like 18 months. :)

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