CLOSED: summer hearts giveaway!


The lucky winner is Sharmaine Ruth!
Please email me with 72 hours to claim your care package!
photo by Sarah from arrow&apple via frances blog

I few months ago Marcus and I had the pleasure of participating in a little shoot for Frances Vintage here in Phoenix. We got to work with the some of the best people on earth--super genuine, passionate people. 

I don't know how many times i have to say it on this blog, but those are two of my favorite qualities in a person, ever.

The shoot, by Arrow&Apple was for a Frances Hearts Summer magazine Vol. 1--which supports rad local businesses and provides us great tips and ideas of things to do this summer.

Georganne, owner of Frances & Smeeks sent me a few extra mags to giveaway (or you can buy it here for $8) and I wanted to throw in a few other things I HEART this summer!

What You'll Win:
 Frances Hearts Summer magazine
Frances canvas tote bag & Vintage striped head scarf
Tortoise and gold arrow sunnies
Golden leaf, boho headband
Powder & Jade Earrings
6 credits to my favorite new free app Printic--print and deliver polaroid looking pictures from instagram :)
So to enter to win just tell me what YOU HEART this summer (it could be a favorite product, activity, recipe...) just share the love!

For extra entries (new comment for each)//
1. Share this giveaway on your social platforms (twitter, instagram, facebook) by posting a picture of what YOU HEART and mention me @ashleyanielson
2. Like or Follow Frances on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and let me know you did
3. Sign up for Printic here and tell me you did (it's FREE)

Grand prize winner will be selected using, but i'll also be picking my favorite instagram picture to send another copy of Frances Hearts Summer magazine to.

Be sure and provide an email so I can contact you if you're selected! Good Luck :)

+open to US residents only
+valued at over $80!


Camille said...

This summer I HEART camping and hiking! It feels so good to get away from the world's distractions and spend time with my husband talking about things that are really important, and not have to worry about work, or cleaning, or groceries.

Sharmaine Ruth said...

This summer I HEART flowy boho like tops and lace shorts! So cute and comfortable for the hot weathers we've been having!

<3 Sharmaine Ruth

Sharmaine Ruth said...

I liked Frances on Facebook!

<3 Sharmaine Ruth

Sharmaine Ruth said...

And have followed printic on instagram! :)

<3 Sharmaine Ruth

Andrew and Noelle said...

I heart summer vacations!! & pool time!

Andrew and Noelle said...

I liked them on Facebook!!

emily said...

I HEART bike rides by the river and down to the lake. The best :-)

emily said...

& I liked them on Facebook:-)

emily said...

Followed printicapp on Instagram!! My username is emmmbirch!

Meg said...

I love this giveaway! I love snowies! :-)

Meg said...

I'm now following them on Instagram :-)

Meg said...

I'm following francesvintage on Instagram -

Meg said...

I'm following francesvintage on Instagram -

Meg said...

I'm following francesvintage on Twitter -

Mrs. Skvortsov said...

i just posted a favorites post on my blog over on That's my entry. :) Come check it out!

Jessica Holly said...

This summer I HEART ice scream! Seriously. Get in my belly.

georganne said...

Amazing giveaway! Love everything!

Jessica Holly said...

I follow her on instagram

Jessica Holly said...

I follow printic on instagram

Ashley said...

I heart ice cream on a hot summer night!

Kristin said...

I heart pool & beach time during the summer. It makes me soooo happy.

Patience said...

I heart doing things with my little boy this summer. Last summer he was just an infant and, frankly, kind of boring ;)., please pick me :).

Sue K. said...

I love all the yummy summer fruits, and starting my day off with a fresh smoothie. And of course hitting the beach on weekends :)

Sue K. said...

following Follow Frances on twitter and instagram!

talley said...

I found out an old skirt didn't fit anymore, so this summer I actually love running. I used to hate it, but this summer I am actually looking forward to it!

talley dot clardy at zoho dot com.

talley said...

I'm following Frances on instagram.

talley said...

and facebook.

talley said...

and twitter.

talley said...

And printic on instagram.

talley said...

And printic on instagram.

Rosemary Steele said...

I heart my family!

rosemary dot e dot steele at gmail dot com.

Madame Heather said...

I love your blog! Summer is the beach for me! I am totally in love with lush ocean salt..moisturizer and exfoliator:)

Thank you!
Heather P
hef117 (at) gmail (dot) com

Madame Heather said...

Follow you on instagram
hef117 (at) gmail (dot) com

Madame Heather said...

Following printic on instagram

hef117(at) gmail (dot) com

Rosemary Steele said...

Shared on insta.

Rosemary Steele said...

Liked Frances on Facebook!

Rosemary Steele said...

Followed Frances on twitter!

Rosemary Steele said...

Followed Frances on insta.

Rosemary Steele said...

Followed printic!

sarah said...

i heart BEING HOME!! (i work in the schools). :)
sarah r
sgreck428 at yahoo

Andrea said...

I heart trips to the pool with my kids!

Kelsey Eaton said...

I heart going on long summer walks and camping with my sweetie!

Lela Boyd said...

I heart Nutella. On everything.

Lela Boyd said...

I heart Nutella. On everything.

Lela Boyd said...

Following Frances on Instagram too yo!

Kristina Wilson said...

This summer I heart my high school sweetheart who has been such a sweet support with me getting a job and losing time with his lovely face.

Julie Faires Allen said...

Loving my new drop waist sun dress!

Bretty said...

this summer i HEART going outside in the warm summer evenings (you know the ones... that stay light forever - way past little girl's bedtimes) with my family. Also, i HEART knotting button up shirts over dresses instead of wearing a cardigan.

Bretty said...

also, i liked frances on FB =)

Aubrey Page said...

I heart my mom's new pool! Summer has never been so cool.

Emma F said...

This summer I HEART being able to spend more time with my husband. I am a busy elementary school teacher and don't get to spend a lot of time relaxing and enjoying life during the school year. This summer is dedicated to relaxing with my husband and working on projects to make my house beautiful!

Unknown said...

i heart learning and taking creative classes during the summer.

rebecca said...

i am loving the lake being warm enough to swim in!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

rachel said...

Making homemade chocolate s'mores ice cream!

m.estelle said...

i heart throwing my picnic blanket out in Central Park and having dinner with friends.

Jessica Wilson said...

I heart love. I heart feeling again. I heart the rushes of passion, of desire, of hope. Something that was completely obliterated eight months ago after a horrible horrible breakup 2000 miles away from home. I never thought I could adequately or wholly love again. Yet, all of a sudden, my heart beats. I feel. I worry again. I dance. I laugh. I giggle at his texts. I kiss his lips. And for the first time in eight solid months, I'm completely happy. I heart love. I heart the ability to change, to become better, to look past your insecurities and the mistakes of others and just to love each day. I love that he is here with me, but more importantly I heart the man who sacrificed it all for me to be here. I heart love.

Ashley said...

I HEART so many things during summer: camping with friends that live far away, ice cream, crafting, more ice cream, etc. But, the thing I HEART the most is the slower pace of life & family time. Thank you so much for the chance to win!!

Unknown said...

This summer I HEART going on photo excursions for hours after miss my exit! {ways take the long way home}☺

Unknown said...

I am now a Frances follower!!

Unknown said...

I follow printic!

Tabitha Fjoser said...

This summer I heart my puppy Autumn's socialization progress. She was a rescue dog who didn't like many people or animals. She now goes to daycare where she is friendly with multiple dogs and she hearts the daycare worker!

Tabitha Fjoser said...

This summer I heart my puppy Autumn's socialization progress. She was a rescue dog who didn't like many people or animals. She now goes to daycare where she is friendly with multiple dogs and she hearts the daycare worker!

Tabitha Fjoser said...

Following Frances on Facebook!

Andrea said...

I HEART being in nursing school! After years of dreaming, it's finally a reality!!

Unknown said...

I heart snow cones! Summer time is the only time you can get them, which makes it that much more special!

Unknown said...

This summer i {HEART} my lime green and blue beach cruiser for going on random adventures and exploring, flowy skirts for beating the heat, and my big floppy sunhat for keeping the sun off my face while i do>

Unknown said...

Following on instagram!

shelby mae said...

This summer I love light, airy dresses and spinach salads, yummm!

shelby mae said...

Signed up for a Printic account :)

shelby mae said...

followed @printicapp on instagram

shelby mae said...

Following Frances Vintage on FB, Twitter, & Instagram!

alisha said...

I heart your blog! and this giveaway!
This summer i love sunglasses, sandals, and with july 4th coming up i am hearting all things red white and blue!

alisha said...

just followed on frances on twitter and instagram!!

renascencern said...

This summer I am loving exploring my city by doing new and FREE things now that I'm on vacation.

renascencern said...

I've lined them on Facebook.

renascencern said...

I've followed them on instagram.

renascencern said...

This summer I am loving exploring my city by doing new and FREE things now that I'm on vacation.

I've downloaded the app and made a profile.

becky said...

this summer i am loving all the diy for jean shorts! so excited to give some a try!

Unknown said...

I {heart} the trip to the FL Keys that my hubby and I just took - it was the first trip (longer than 1 night) that we've taken since our twins were born 2.5 years ago. It was such an awesome time away!

myshadow28 at aol dot com

Michelle @ Twig said...

So much to love about summer but planting my own flowers for my first time is a favorite this year. I love looking out my window and seeing their vibrance!

julesylph said...

I heart iced coffee, Twirl froyo, my brand new tattoo, anything boho inspired, longer days, and sunshine!

julesylph said...

I already like Frances on Facebook. That's how I found you!

Unknown said...

Following on facebook!

Unknown said...

Signed up for Printic!

Unknown said...

Following on Twitter!

Unknown said...

Posted a picture on Instagram!

Lauryn said...

This summer I ♥ spending time with my family :)

Lauryn said...

I also like Frances on FB

Lauryn said...

Also following Frances on Twitter

Lauryn said...

Also following Frances on Instagram

Kinsey S said...

This summer I heart coconut oil!! I use it as my face moisturizer, body lotion, chap stick, hair conditioner, etc. and it's the best!!

Unknown said...

posted my picture on facebook too!

julesylph said...

Ooops! I forgot to leave you my email addy:

Lauryn said...

I also forgot to leave my email address! laurynvanrooy(@)

Kayla Moncur said...

I heart WATERMELON. I am practically drowning myself with my daily watermelon intake. It's so good, I can't help myself.

Unknown said...

This summer I heart having picnics... On the beach, at the park, before the drive-in :) food + being outdoors... What could be better?

Unknown said...

Followed Frances on Instagram :)

Unknown said...

Signed up for printic :)

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.