do i look like an amish boy? good.


there is nothing quite as lovely as waking up feeling 100% well after laying in bed for two days with the flu, is there?

healthy bodies are wonderful things, and something i know i take for granted much more than i should--and for that, i am strangely grateful for illnesses--just so that i have the little reminder to appreciate the health i usually enjoy...of course the gratitude doesn't come when I'm curled over a mixing bowl throwing up for the 11th time, instead on the downhill of the illness, but still--it always comes, and i'm glad for that.

what's your go-to cure for the flu? 
when i was finally brave enough to eat something, applesauce really hit the spot.

on the subject of health--marcus and i are thinking about trying out veganism for a few weeks to see if if makes us feel better or more energized. has anyone tried it? have any suggestions? the thought of no cheese in my life is making me heart pound a little harder...i don't know how long we'll last.
<<what i wore>>
boater hat//free people--on sale in stores $19 (buy here)
'm' necklace//divas--local boutique $35 (similar here)
triangle necklace//c.o. style lately (buy here)
fringe purse//style lately--$29 (buy here)
around the world watch//urban outfitters $34 (buy here)
safari silk blouse//j.crew sale (similar here)
vigoss destroyed jeans//nordstroms--$58 (buy here)
wedges//yesstyle--old (similar here)


Aiketa said...

I've been thinking for a long time if I should or not buy this very same watch from Urban Outfiters. I love it!!! But what is holding me back is the extra $30 that costs the shipment to Spain... :( So my questio is, besides beautiful, how is the quality of the watch? Do you think it's worth it?
Nice outfit and love your hair! You look great in red!

Sharmaine Ruth said...

you look amazing! i've been eyeing that watch for so long now! I'm glad you feel better!

<3 Sharmaine Ruth

Alissa Mitchell said...

This outfit is ADORABLE. (I have been checking out that watch too!)

Love your hair! Tutorial?

Katie said...

Glad you're feeling better! Love this outfit and that red hair!


Megs said...

That hat is insanely cute! And you're looking quite tan these days!

Irene said...

my cousins are vegan for ethical reasons and they're super proud and happy about it, but i don't know of health improvement although i must say that no eating meat for a while is quite good for me, i feel much more powerful. you can find lots of vegan recipes on the internet, i sometimes try.

CoRo said...

If you do want to go vegan I highly suggest either "Eat to Live" or "Eat for Health" by Joel Fuhrman. Excellent books on how eating prolongs and energizes life. I do it and love it. I feel great all the time and I believe that it has a little word of wisdom truth to it. I am not vegan per se, I just eat as little animal byproducts as possible is all. I take this lifestyle as making the salad as the main course verses meat as the main course. Good luck! It is hard at first and then you start to feel great and really enjoy that lifestyle!

Kayla Moncur said...

I love this! I've been eyeballing that necklace. Might have to get it...

I eat mostly raw/vegan these days (food sensitivity...possibly gluten? Can't figure it out) because I just feel better that way. It's haaaard but I feel so much better! Worth a least on a temporary basis, right?

dani said...

I have a big ol' hat like that, and rather than Amish, I usually kind of feel like a matador haha.

You look adorable, as always! :)

M said...

I LOVE your hair!!

I have the same watch. Coolio.

The HousewifeTravels said...

I love the book Eat to Live. Very informative.

Loving that watch!!!

Kirsten Wiemer said...

i love your outfit. so perfect.
im glad you are feeling better.
and when i wanna feel beter its most important to nap i think and get rest.

as far as veganism goes, i think that its best for those with health issues that forbid them from eating other things, however there are important nutrients you don't normally get when you go vegan. just something to think about. as a health major, i think its best to just eat healthy and clean foods.


Lindsay said...

You rock the "Amish Boy" look very well! :) Love the purse..I have an identical one in black!

Mj. said...

Oh man, it's exciting to hear other people talk about becoming vegan because they want to feel better. My husband and I went cold-turkey about 6 months ago and have endless energy, better attitudes, lost some weight unexpectedly, we even started liking a lot of foods we never liked before! It's awesome as long as you replace the meat/dairy/eggs with other foods that have the right nutrients. You may be shocked how easy it is to let go of cheese. Once you start feeling cleaner without it, you may never want to go back. Check out the documentary "Forks Over Knives" on's about how eliminating animal protein can reverse a host of chronic illnesses and pains. Super cool! Ok enough vegan geeking out...

Love your desert scenery!

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.