Things Parents Find Exciting//Tuft & Needle Unboxing


We've had this mattress for over a month and we still have the box in our room because it's Simon's fave toy... Good thing it's pretty!
Sleep, you precious, precious ruby. It has always been a gem in my book, but becoming a mom has made me realize how much I took that treasure for granted.

It took Simon over a year to sleep through the night and there are still times (like three times this week *TEARS*) that he wakes up and will only be consoled by me. We had a hand-me-down mattress that was a high-end brand, but had lost it's luster and was sinking in the middle--we also had a memory-foam topper that drove me crazy. Memory-foam always makes me feel like I'm laying in quicksand or getting eaten by my bed--it's like it sucks you in and then you're stuck!

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that we weren't happy with our bed and when you're a parent and sleep is of the utmost importance, you gotta "look at yourself, then make the change!" as MJ put it.

I'm a part of this wive's group on facebook and had been hearing all these great things about Tuft & Needle mattresses and I knew they had a showroom in Phoenix, so we made the drive downtown to check it out.

Their store is so freaking gorgeous and they take you into these mini bedrooms and let you lay on the beds for a few minutes alone then come back and answer any questions you have--NO SALES PEOPLE! They make no commission and don't try and pressure you in the slightest which is nice for easily guilted people like me (AVOID AWKWARDNESS AT ALL COSTS).

We fell in love with the company for many reasons--they're chill, they're made right over in California, they don't have all the nasty chemicals in them that many mattress companies do, you have 100 nights to sleep on it and if you don't love it, you get 100% of your money back and they help you donate the unwanted mattress to a local organization (SO NICE), there's a 10 year warranty if it feels soggy before then they'll send you a new one, their price-point can not be beat, plus they come in this pretty little box, delivered right to your door, you plop it on your bed, cut it open and BOOM--new, beautiful, crisp white bed!

They say to give it a week to reach it's full comfort level (it's been compressed to it needs to uncompress completely), but honestly we're on week three with it and I feel like it's even more comfy  this week than it was last week, so I don't know--to me it just keeps gettin' better.

Our overall review is that Marcus loves it and I like it, I had been waking up with a lot of back pain with our old mattress and I never have that problem with the Tuft & Needle mattress, so that is much appreciated, but it is quite firm--something I like in a mattress, but if you're a side sleepy, which I am about 50% of the time, it can be a little firm on your shoulders and hips--one bonus about this is that it is slowly turning me more into a back sleeper which is supposedly better for both your posture (you're not hunched over all night) and your face (wrinkles and acne come, in part, from smashing your face on a pillow!) Right now I'd rate it an 8 out of 10, but once they release their pillows that they had in the showrooms, I'm pretty sure that will bump it up to a 9 or a 10 because those pillows were a 28 out of 10, those few minutes I got to spend with one under my head changed my life and when they told me they were still in testing phases and I couldn't take one home with me, I questioned all my belief in the goodness of this earth, because I had finally found pillow perfection and I couldn't have it.
Dramatic, much?
They're that good.
So, have you tried T&N? Tell me all your comfy sleep tips in the comments or if you have any questions feel free to ask away! 

*I was given a free mattress in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. 


Kate said...

I'm lovin' the outfit your little guy's in! So cute. The mattress sounds pretty great, too. It's all about good sleep once there are babies in the picture.

Jey John said...

tuft and needle review read more tuft and needle reviews

Thiscrund Gayle said...

I loved this post, you have friends, be happy and still enjoy some alone time!

Errol said...

What an interesting concept! Very cool

Unknown said...

Great review. I'm an all over sleeper, I once woke up entwined in my husband like a tree, but hey I was conmfy. Simon looks so cute playing in the box, I really don't know why we bother buying children toys when they love boxes so much.

Taylor said...

I spend a lot of time (while nursing) dreaming of these mattresses and also some impossibly silky pajamas.

Dylan Lovell said...

Isn't it funny how the kids always have more fun with the box than they do with the toy inside? That huge box will probably be something your little one enjoys more than you might imagine. Great pics of you guys hopping around. Whoever took those pics did an amazing job. You will cherish them for years to come.

Dylan Lovell @ Mattress Sale Liquidators

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