b is for boy...


Third trimester has officially showed up to the party. Some days are miserable other days are surprisingly wonderful--like I don't even feel like I'm pregnant. I finally splurged this weekend at Gap and bought myself some real maternity jeans, along with some other maternity basics, and while that amazing 40% off everything sale was going on, of course I picked up a few things for baby as well...
Marcus was so happy when I came home and tried on the new goods--I think he was getting pretty sick of seeing me in t-shirts that were too short and leggings everyday! Ha.

Baby's measuring two weeks small, which is still considered in the 'safe zone'--I'm crossing my fingers that means he'll just be a little baby (6 lbs pretty please!) and not that he'll actually take two more weeks to come, because, be still my soul, I can't take that!

The sweet tooth has returned to the scene, as well as strong cravings for pizza (specifically from La Grande Orange) but I'm trying my best to get iron-rich foods in my diet, so I don't turn anemic. Have any great salad recipes I should try out?
lip color//forever21 (buy here)
cobalt drapey sweater//c.o. oasap (buy here)
silver cuff bracelet//themodboho (similar here & here)
stretchy waistband jeggings//level 99 (similar here)
petty ankle booties//nordstrom (buy here)


Unknown said...

How Exciting ! Lady You look GORGEOUS !!
Simply Sutter

ChelsiFaceKilla said...

Hey lady!
This is my go to salad when I'm hungry for greens!
All 4 or any mix of these greens:
Kale (de-stemmed and massaged with olive oil and sea salt for 1-2 minutes)
Spinach (flash steamed)
Swiss chard (flash steamed)
Red onion
Dried Cranberries
~~All of those chopped up~~
Sliced almonds or pepitas
Black Pepper
Red wine vinegar and a squeeze of lemon or lime to taste!

Love chopped salads bc you can taste a little of every ingredient in every bite! You can exchange the cheese for the cheese of your liking or nutritional yeast for a vegan option and change out the dried fruit and nuts for ones of your liking!

P.S. You look HAWT!! :)

P.P.S. Here is a little more info on iron rich foods from my favorite lady Kris Carr! http://kriscarr.com/blog-video/plant-based-iron-rich-foods/

ChelsiFaceKilla said...

Flash steamed or raw on the greens! Up to you... Depends on the day for me :)

Ashley Bagley Nielson said...

Yum! I'm so excited to try this. Love dried fruit and kale combo :) thank you!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh that pizza looks amazing. also, shoes = A+
the little diary

Carla Lima said...

This outfit looks so perfect on you :) and that pizza looks delicious !! :)

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.