twenty-three weeks


Just as my pregnancy app promised, I've been having a pretty great 2nd trimester--I generally feel good, as long as I get to take sit down {lay down} moments throughout the day and eat enough fatty foods :)
Something that I've noticed within the last week is the major increase in hunger--like I swear baby has his mouth wide open and the food I eat is going directly into his mouth and stomach instead of mine. I can eat a meal larger than I usually would and literally 20 minutes later I'm ravaged with hunger and about to kill someone if I don't get another full meal in...

I just had my first appointment with my actual doctor, rather than the nurse practitioner, and I love her. She's very to the point and doesn't talk down to me or fluff things up--that's a BIG pet peeve of mine, so when I was researching doctors, that was something I looked for. She did, however, flattery me by telling me that baby and me were scoring perfect 10's on development, which was a relief since for a long time random people were telling me I was too small and that my baby wasn't getting enough nutrients. Why do people think they get to tell you stuff like that--if you're not a doctor and I'm not asking, please, just keep it to yourself. 

Right now, my biggest pregnancy stress is baby boy clothes (i know, this is serious stuff right here)! I like really plain things that don't say things like "Daddy's Little Football Star" because, guess what, he's not daddy's football star, he's a baby, he doesn't know what a football is and he certainly would be no good at the game in his infant years anyways, so I just refuse to put that sort of stuff on my baby, but so far it's nearly impossible to find anything that doesn't cost my left kidney...woah is me! I think we'll survive.
boater hat//free people (similar here)
'metallica' necklace//the modboho (buy here)
black tee with leather sleeves//old (similar here)
'crop' kimono// the modboho (buy here)
bracelets//threads (buy here)
knit pencil skirt//old (similar here)
petty booties//sam edelman (buy here)


Becca said...

I'm not a great fashion person like you, but I do know a little about boy clothes (have two boys myself, 10 and 2). Which sadly they are not plentiful and full of sports, trucks, or animals. Hopefully you can find some cute clothes though!! I get mostly stripes or solid colors too. To get a good price clearance racks are your friend. Baby clothes are so expensive for them to wear for just 3 months. You are adorable though and hope you enjoy this time of being pregnant! It's pretty amazing! :)

Andrea Stevenson said...

I'm right with you on the baby boy clothes. I would also get super frustrated when I would be shopping for my little guy and there were only like 5 racks of boy stuff and 20 racks of girl stuff (ahem, Target). The best place I've found for affordable and free of silly phrases boy clothes has been Old Navy:)

Jessica Holly said...

people say the silliest stuff to pregnant people- I swear!! WHY?!?!

Unknown said...

I can't speak from personal experience on the baby front, but I have bought cute baby clothes for people at H&M for fairly cheap. I agree with Becca though -- babies grow so fast, you never want to spend too much. Maybe hand-me-downs from cousins? Or if you don't mind thrift stores, Saver's in Scottsdale can actually have pretty nice stuff. Good luck!


meme-and-he said...

ahhh I TOTALLY feel you on the baby clothes with writing. I just can't do it. Why aren't there more normal clothes out there? I would never wear a shirt that says "Mommy's little cupcake" so I will NOT make my daughter wear it. AGH!

AmandaB. said...

I second Old Navy. You can find affordable baby clothes and a lot can be found in basic solids, strips, or simple pattern.

Anonymous said...

I'm basically going to dress my children in pure zara: affordable but so so tiny and perfect. for infants and for babys and toddlers :)

Anonymous said...

(Whoops, one of those links goes straight to the outerwear for babies, they have other clothes too, haha)

Dani Rose said...

Okay, those shoes are seriously to die for... Love them!

dani at

Rebekah said...

I have the same pet peeve with baby boy clothes! I hate everything that has some sort of stupid writing on it! I want to dress my little boy to look cute, not just in onsies that say "Mommy's little monster" why are you calling my baby a monster? ugh. I did find that Gap had some cute fun options that weren't covered in silly sayings. Good luck!

Cornelia said...

Totally random, but I saw Burts Bees baby clothes in CVS (a pharmacy on the East Coast) the other day - onesies, socks and hats - blue and neutral and no writing. I didn't think they made clothes, but apparently they do! Looks like they sell them at Target, too.

Lots of luck with everything and sending good wishes your way!

Jenna Foote said...

H&M is great for those more neutral types of clothes. You're right though -- it's hard to find them for baby boys.

Unknown said...

You are so wonderful :)

Unknown said...

Cute outfit! You look great.

Lela Boyd said...

H&M. GAP, J crew Factory. and Target. BOOM you're good :) You look wonderful, btw!

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