zoot suit


Today I am somewhere else, wearing something else, thinking about something other than what I was thinking about when I sat down to schedule this post. I am surely having a good time with good people. I am probably missing my puppy baby, but still happy to be where i am, today, which at this point hasn't happened yet. Blogging is weird like that. 

Find out where I am here @ashleyanielson.
<<what i wore>>
striped cotton blazer//c.o. persunmall (buy here)
tissue t-shirt//j.crew sale (similar here)
aurora cocktail ring//stella & dot (buy here)
nail color//FACE dark and stormy (similar here)
triangle necklace//c.o. persunmall (buy here)
leather clutch//vintage (similar here)
high-riser skinnies//madewell (buy here)
petty booties//sam edelman (buy here)


Malin said...

I love this outfit! I mean, I like most of them, but this one is gorgeous! Wish I looked as chic as you do!

Kitsune-kun said...

oh what I would give to have this scenery nearby. waaaaaaaaaaaa. I keep looking up tickets to arizona and daydreaming about girly road trips to palm springs. but NO MONEY:(:(

Miss Morgan said...

I'm glad to see you are in your Sam Edelman booties as much as me! I live in mine. Only regret that I don't have them in black and I didn't order them soon enough to wear ALL fall and winter.

Bee. said...

This outfit is perfect!

Unknown said...

I just love your hair.

Madison Montgomery said...

okay! Loving everything about this look! So cute! Love the stripes, your cute hair, your make-up and your cute booties!


Ashley Bagley Nielson said...

i'm sure you're just as chic! thank you though :)

Ashley Bagley Nielson said...

that sounds dreamy :)

Ashley Bagley Nielson said...
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Ashley Bagley Nielson said...

seriously can't stop with these booties :)

Ashley Bagley Nielson said...

you're so sweet!

Ashley Bagley Nielson said...
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Ashley Bagley Nielson said...

you're making me blush :)

Brooke said...

I don't know what you were talking about a few posts ago... I'm OBSESSED with however you are are doing your hair. It looks friggin perfect. Also what products are you using? I'm toying with the idea of this cut and need some ideas!

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.