flor de arizona


The season of the unicorn is here! I'm loving every minutes of it and can't find enough excuses to get outside and smell the flowers (even if this cold refuses to budge!). This week marcus and i went to the Mesa Temple. The grounds were so beautiful and the weather matched that beauty.

While Marcus and I were dating we used to hold regular weekly planning meetings, come to think of it, our very first date was a planning meeting--haha. But when we got married, we fell out of the habit--which was silly, since we need it just as much now, if not more. Anyway, this Sunday we reinstated that tradition and had a full on, agenda lead, meeting to get our lives in order. 

We had categories of house projects, spiritual goals, physical goals, social goals, travel plans, and food planning and so far we've done pretty good. It feels so nice to be able to get to the end of a week and look back and feel like you really accomplished something worth while, instead of just living life and not really remembering where all your time has gone. We, of course, had a few hiccups, but that's what next week planning meeting is for, discussing what we could do better and how.

Life is just about progress, sometimes we get off the path, but the important thing is that we always end up back on it!

I hope your week is going lovely and that you have some relaxing or exciting plans for the weekend!

p.s. there is going to be a giveaway on my instagram account (@ashleyanielson) to win one of these lovely, authentic, fair-trade mexican dresses from flor de luz, so be sure to follow along :)
 <<what i wore>>
mexi dress//c.o. flordeluzshop (buy here --i hemmed mine a few inches) +USE CODE flordearizona for 20% off your entire purchase :)
daisy ring//denmark souvenir (similar here)
petty booties//sam edelman (buy here --they run big!)

marcus' gingham tie//j.crew (similar here)


Unknown said...

love your dress!!!

xo josephine

Hannah said...

How do you curl your hair like that?? Its perfect.

Kristen @ The Saltwater Cure said...

That dress is so amazing. I need it, haha. :)

K&R said...

you are adorable. i love this dress. i've never been to az in the spring. but i bet its nice.
are you going to the gilbert temple ceremonies or events this weekend? my niece has been so excited about them!

Sarah44 said...

What a great idea to hold weekly planning meetings with your husband :)

Whit said...

something tells me these weekly planning meetings stemmed from companion inventory meetings.... because my husband implemented the same thing when we got married haha. Cute dress, especially because it's so hard to find "married mormon approved" dresses anyway.
New follower - Whit from Raspy Wit

Kara said...

I'd just like to go on record and state that your hair is perfect.

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.