{For Fashion's Sake} Saturday: Week 60s


While Marcus was taking these pictures he said I looked like a "sexy Polish woman" hahah what that means, I know not, but hey, I'll take it...
The Breakdown:
Oxford Button-Up: Lands' End Canvas Sale $20
Skirt: 1960s Vintage $4
Yellow Flower Pin: GAP $4
Yellow Tights: Anthropologie Sale $12
Leather Shoes: Dillards @ Fiesta $10
Hair.do: tutorial


Ariane said...

I adore this outfit. You & Marcus totally make me laugh! :)

Hayley said...

cant believe that skirt is thrifted. you luck duck. I would have guessed anthro by just looking at it. and love the mustard color in the flower and skirt. which ps awesome idea on flower placement.

Rebecca said...

love that skirt! what an amazing find. the addition of the little yellow flower is a great touch!


Irene said...

awesome hair, as usually :)
i should also try color tights... not only the classic brown, black and grey...

meme-and-he said...

everything about this is adorable!! Your hair, your yellow flower, the tights...gah!!

Blythe and Charlotte said...

The pattern on that skirt is so amazing, especially in black and white! What a fantastic find!


Brie said...

I love your skirt! And you always have the cutest shoes :) Love the vintage look.

Erin and Caroline said...

Such a cute look -- a great thrifted find and I love that you paired it with yellow tights! But what I love the most about this outfit is what you did with the flower pin! It is the perfect touch. :)

- Caroline (http://keepcalmandstyleon.blogspot.com)

Lara said...

Love the skirt matched with the colorful tights! That's my favorite thing about the cold. Colorful tights.

Erin and Caroline said...

Great outfit! The splash of color you added with the tights and the flower are perfect.

Very polished, but very fun too! =)

-Erin (http://keepcalmandstyleon.blogspot.com)

Ella A. said...

Hey sexy polish woman, i love your tights. I saw a unicorn painting today while thrifting and thought of you. I think you will forever be connected to unicorns in my mind. :)

Miy said...

Awwww.. you're looking really cute and adorable!

The Picnic Girl

Laura said...

That was a sweet story! My husband and I have a similar story. What would the world be without love???

Born To Be Styled

Shea Lennon said...

I love the combination of the bold graphic print of that skirt and the yellow tights and flower. It's so much fun!

GoodFrameofMind said...

I love the tights with the black and white skirt-so cute!

Kate said...

I want this outift. That skirt with the pin on it is stinkin' cuteness.

Jenni Austria Germany said...

i love the sexy polish comment (duh). i love this hair/entire outfit. i daresay you're cuter than any polish woman i've ever seen!

Unknown said...

so i tried your hair tutorial and i blogged about it.... thank you for it!

Katie said...

I want this outift. That skirt with the pin on it is stinkin' cuteness.

Laura said...

That was a sweet story! My husband and I have a similar story. What would the world be without love???

Born To Be Styled

Brie said...

I love your skirt! And you always have the cutest shoes :) Love the vintage look.

Ari- Audrey Onassis said...

I adore this outfit. You & Marcus totally make me laugh! :)

moniquearielle said...

i love your outfit, and i want your hair. i'm totally going for that tutorial.


© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.