

You know what I was thinking you should do today?

Read the story of how Marcus and I met!

Wooohooo! I know you're dying to know, right?

Just head on over the adorable blog run by cutesy Nicole.
Show some love :)

Happy Sabbath!


Mary Nevin said...

such a sweet story!! your blog is such an inspiration! Happy Weekend!!

Abby said...

such and adorable story!!

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

headed over to read. cute pic!

erica said...

just found your blog and am so happy i did. such a darling story...couldn't help but read each link :)

Anonymous said...

you guys make such a glamorous couple!

Ariane said...

I love this story! Also, you look the prettiest ever in this picture.

Lara said...

This is one of my favorite stories in the world :)

Erin and Caroline said...

Such a cute story! I have to admit that Facebook played an important role in my relationship, too. When we met each other he was SO SHY, but FB helped somehow (crazy how it helped, right?) and now we're in love! :) You and Marcus are an amazingly adorable couple!

- Caroline (http://keepcalmandstyleon.blogspot.com)

Anonymous said...

I love it!!
Haha, I tried fb chat to see what happens. Looks like my man will find me somewhere else. :)

L!$@ said...

What an awesome story! I love that it was awkward to start with :D

Kate said...

Ahhh! I loved that story so much! You guys are the cutest couple of all time!

Chloe said...

So so sweet...


Have you checked out my giveaway

Jenni Austria Germany said...

that is maybe my fav pic of you 2...

Torrie said...

I'd read the "Lovely Love Story" part before, but reading how you actually met? Loved it. Such a cute story!

meg fee said...

ummm...could you be any more beautiful or cute?!

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

well that's just what i'm going to do...love a love story and i bet yours will be remarkable. happy week wishes lades. ♥

wilybrunette said...

ummm...could you be any more beautiful or cute?!

erica said...

just found your blog and am so happy i did. such a darling story...couldn't help but read each link :)

Abby said...

such and adorable story!!

Mariel said...

you two are the absolute cutest! heading over there right now :)

Emily Wilcock said...

I've been out of commission lately so I'm just now catching up with your blog. I've been wondering exactly how you two met and it's a cute and funny story. I think every girl knew that the elusive Marcus Nielson would marry an awesome girl and he did! Heath and I were set up too but didn't date until after his mission (also started through FB). It's funny how things work out and I'm happy it did for you!

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.