{Tunes} on Tuesday Featuring: Joshua Radin & Ingrid Michaelson


It's February, and whether you like it or not, LOVE is in the air.

This month's {Tunes} on Tuesday will be featuring songs that cover the highs and lows of that crazy little thing...
If this song doesn't make you cry, I don't know what will...dreeeeamy.

Do You Love, or Do You Love?


The HousewifeTravels said...

Glad I could help. I like that one. My favs are Only You, Brand New Day, Today, and You Got What I Need. Dreamy. Nice choice.

Jenni Austria Germany said...

oooh. i love him and like her. i'm excited to watch this!

Shay said...

Considering my options, I think I will go with love!

Ashley Bagley Nielson said...

Cannon--you're not going to believe this, i already had this scheduled to post and then i read your recommendation and laughed out loud! what are the odds? i guess you know me well...:)

kylee said...

how can you not love? i get to see him in concert in march! soo stoked!

Laura Eve said...

oh man, i love joshua radin, their duet "sky" is super great too.

happilyheidi said...

mmmm I always love these two together!

Jessica said...

I love Joshua Radin, we used one of his songs for our wedding video. So listening to this song brought back awesome memories. Speaking of weddings, I loved reading your posts about your wedding, sounded and looked like a perfect day! Thanks for sharing this song!

Sara SHOEmaker said...

they are 2 of my very Favorite artists, and their voices sound amazing together :) swell taste.

Unknown said...

I love the two of them together. My favorite is "Sky". But this one is amazing.

Fiery Jack said...

This was our wedding song! Also, the song that was playing when I purposed. Good stuff.

Fiery Jack said...

This was our wedding song! Also, the song that was playing when I purposed. Good stuff.

Johanna said...

I love the two of them together. My favorite is "Sky". But this one is amazing.

Sara Shoemaker said...

they are 2 of my very Favorite artists, and their voices sound amazing together :) swell taste.

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.