Day Two: Beach Bumming It.


this is basically what everyday consisted of--just two pasty white kids beach bummin' it.
that's what's so glorious about hawaii and tropical destinations in general--sure it may cost a bit to get there, but once you're there, you don't really have to pay for any activities. the sand  is free, the ocean's all of ours, the hikes our endless. 
what can i say? i'm a beach junky.
what about you? 
do you prefer the a beach, city, or a mountain vacation?


Kaycie Eddie said...

Your pictures are so gorgeous, it hurts.

Kelsey Eaton said...

Such fun photos! I love the beach although I do not to escape to the pool for a bit. I can only take sand in places it shouldnt be for so long!

Irene Navajas said...

my boyfriend is all about beach and surf and swimming... I'd rather be in the country but I don't mind going with him if I can stay under the sunshade! :)

malia said...

i prefer the trees. the beach is always lovely, but there is something so mysterious about a forest, it reminds me how small I am, under the canopy of trees. -m

Mickelle McCrory said...

i beach girl, husband is a mountain guy. But we make it work! I'm loving your hawaii pics!

Holly Darling said...

Oh man - I'm a beach bum all the way. I like the idea of traveling to different cities, Europe, etc. But I always resort back to beach vacations. I can't resist a sandy beach :)

Unknown said...

Great pictures! I am absolutely a beach person. I haven't been to the beach in about 2 years (new mom) and its killing me. I can't wait to get to the beach and unpack the beach carts and jump right in the ocean. I have never been to Hawaii but hopefully I will get there one day. I really enjoyed reading your post and looking at your pictures, thanks for sharing.

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.