new years eve is the new halloween.


The theme was campout and loosely inspired by Moonrise Kingdom (the soundtrack was playing throughout the night), there were mess-hall duties, homemade mac and cheese, peach cobbler, chili, and Tang. It was overly amazing--as usual.
Because the theme was a little loose, we had all sorts of interpretations--army men, hunger games, campers, lumberjacks, scouts, and moonrise kingdom characters. 
while half the guests played Telestrations, the other half was busy building marshmallow fortresses and catapults.
it was taken very seriously, as you can see.
thanks reachel and andrew for another great party!
and i hope 2013 is treating you all very well!


Irene Navajas said...

i love this tradition of your family!! i still have to watch that movie, though.

Maria Larsen said...

This is such a great tradition. I love that it's kind of a new take on how to celebrate the new year!
xo, Maria

Kirsten Wiemer said...

this looks like seriously the best party ever. said...

mmm YES! my friend and i dressed up as moonrise kingdom for halloween -- loved it.

Megan Wait said...

I love your party, it looked great!

And the baby is sooo cute. Speaking of babies, and seeing that she is your friend...did Lauren stop blogging?

Ashley Nielson said...

ya, she went private a few months ago :(

hattitude said...

Style Blog

this looks like so much fun!! what a great idea for a party. we were sam and suzy for halloween :)

talk soon wild child

Style Blog

Abi said...

i love that plaid shirt you're wearing! where did you get it? i've been looking for one just like that.

Ashley Nielson said...

i got it from jcrew, but it was on sale, so i'm not sure they would have it still. but this one is awesome for $22:

as well as this one for $19:

good luck!

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.