The Anatomy of Love


My husband is in the Nursing Program here at BYU-I and so I see a lot of medical related things. Many of them that I would probably rather not see. 

I, like many others in my family, am a HEMO*POBE
Hemo meaning blood and phobe referring to phobia or an intense or irrational fear of something. 

Frankly speaking, I pass-out when I see, hear, or even imagine moderate to copious amounts of blood. 
So, when Marcus comes home from his clinical at the hospital and tells me that his patient had an intestinal infection so they cut a hole in his stomach and attached a bag to drain the gelatinous and bloody fluids, it’s not really the best of times for me. But now he sure knows better…

I wanted something in my home that could show support for his educational pursuits, but also wouldn’t make me queasy. So I got out the paints & brushes.

I am giddy with the results:

Attention class...

What are you afraid of?


Jenny said...

Ashley! I love your blog. It makes me smile. Well I am also a hemophobic. And I also have an irrational fear of sea creatures. This summer I was talking to my little brother on the phone at the little deck before you get to the sand, it was really hot and he started talking about some experience he had when he went to donate plasma and it involved blood spilling and all. Well my ears started ringing and his voice and the ocean sounded like they were miles away. My sight was gone and my knees started to fail. I dropped the phone, and knowing I was about to pass out I blindly went after the cold water showers that I knew were there somewhere. I found it and let the cold water wash over me until my senses came back. I sat soaked on the little bench and found my cellphone. Called him back and told him the story. Pretty funny. I really find it irrational, and I dont understand it. I have had to walk out of biology classes so many times.

I love your little painting. It didn't gross me out! :)

Espinoza Family Blog said...

You don't know me, but I found your blog through your sister-in-law. She doesn't know me either! I guess I'm a stalker (although I prefer "follower"). I'm LDS too - so I PROMISE I'm not weird or creepy (does promising you're not weird or creepy make you weird and creepy?)

I love your painting, your writing style and the excitement you ooze towards life in general.

Can I share what I'm afraid of? Clowns. They. freak. me. out.

misshannie said...

Oh wow what a lovely, lovely idea! Such a creative way of expressing your support - without risking your wellbeing haha! Also, just to say that I love your blog and count it as one of the many blogs that inspire my writing daily.
Keep up the great work,

Becky said...

Awwwhhhhhh! Love, love, love it! You keep amazing me with your creativity and I think that's fabulous.

Savanna said...

So cute! I am kinda afraid of falling off walls. Not heights, but walls, or trees. (Weird I know.)

Ashley Bagley Nielson said...

thank you thank you thank you!

hahahhahahahahahah jenny! I'm in the "quiet area" of the library and i am laughing way too loud for social acceptance! I'm glad we're friends and I am especially glad you told me this story.

Savanna said...

So cute! I am kinda afraid of falling off walls. Not heights, but walls, or trees. (Weird I know.)

Becky said...

Awwwhhhhhh! Love, love, love it! You keep amazing me with your creativity and I think that's fabulous.

Espinoza Family Blog said...

You don't know me, but I found your blog through your sister-in-law. She doesn't know me either! I guess I'm a stalker (although I prefer "follower"). I'm LDS too - so I PROMISE I'm not weird or creepy (does promising you're not weird or creepy make you weird and creepy?)

I love your painting, your writing style and the excitement you ooze towards life in general.

Can I share what I'm afraid of? Clowns. They. freak. me. out.

MSM said...

Would you be willing to sell the original piece?

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.