

OUTFIT DEETS: Orbit Stroller//here, Boater Hat//similar here, Acid wash tee//similar here or here, buffalo check flannel//here, Lace up booties//similar here, Jeans//here, Midi Rings//here, Hidden Crown Hair Extensions//here, Simon's onesie//here, Marcus' linen top//here
So about a month and half ago, I won a dinner feast at Flowerchild through IG and I think I screamed out loud when I saw my name announced. Marcus and I are HUGE fans of all the Fox Restaurant Concepts here in the Phoenix area (let's face it, he's a genius) and had recently discovered the wonderful magic of Flowerchild thanks to an event the generously sponsored for The Shine Project. It's unfortunately a bit of a drive from Mesa, so we only head out there when Marcus has the day off and we're feeling fancy at lunch time ;). Usually when we go, we get the avocado hummus with pita and fresh veggies, and it's insanely good and I highly recommend it. The prize was to choose a protein and three sides, so we were 'forced' to branch out. The only thing I was set on was the corn and quinoa side, because I had had that before and craved it for a straight month after. OH EM GEE, it's yummy. I actually told Marcus we should get two sides of it so I didn't have to share, not realizing that the dinner sides are way bigger than the usual side--luckily he talked me out of that plan. For the rest of our choices, we basically asked the staff what we should try and left it up to them. The beet salad was rich and creamy and really good. The indian spiced cauliflower was for Marcus' sake--I don't like indian food, but he liked it. And the tomato, watermelon basil salad was really unique and quite refreshing. The steak was great, but again, huge portions, so we had it for like three meals after this. Also, be sure and get their daily lemonade--we've tried about 6 of their flavors and everyone has been a treat! 

Here's my final top recommendations {based on this trip and prior ones}: Avocado Hummus, Corn & Quinoa, Lemon Olive Oil Cake,  Flying Avocado Wrap, Any flavor of Lemonade, and the Beet, Avocado & Citrus Salad

Have you tried any of the Fox Spots? What's your fave?

You can check out how we spent our whole day on @orbitbaby --I took over their IG account yesterday :)


Christy said...

I love, love his restaurants but we've never been to Flower Child before. The food looks tasty, we might have to try it out this weekend. My favorite is True Food, probably since I've been there the most. So good!

Louise, Travel the Unbeaten Path said...

Whoa for some reason I didn't realize you were in the Phoenix area! I just love your blog and adventures! I organized a little blogger get together in the summer, we'd love to have you join us for the next one! Also, yes please to Flower Child and all the FRC restaurants!

Dearest Lou said...

That place sounds amazing and your little guy is so chunky I could just eat him up! Come to Utah so I can take your family pics <3

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.