21 Weeks + 27 Years


This Friday Marcus played hooky from work and we celebrated his 27th birthday by hitting up all our favorite "free-meal" spots and just driving around, enjoying some unusually delightful weather. I told him I ordered it just for him--me and mother nature are very close :)

The night before I was working late into the night, and on my drive home, with all the windows rolled down on the freeway, I got emotional thinking about how grateful I was that I was married to Marcus.
Neither Marcus, nor I are particularly social/extroverted people--we spend pretty much all of our free time together, and that's just the way we like it. Sometimes he'll come home from work and give me a big hug and tell me how weird and sad it is when he hears other people at work talk about how annoying their spouses are, or how they love coming to work so they can get away from their home and family and Marcus just sits there, confused about how this has happened to them. Surely it hasn't always been this way...?

Don't get me wrong--there are times when Marcus is doing something super buggy and I have to take a little break and go somewhere else {and there are surely times he feels the same about me} but I'd say about 98% of the time, it's more of a control thing or lack of communication on one of our parts and it's really not objectively something all that buggy on it's own. In reality, they're just not doing what YOU want them to do at the moment. So, separating yourself from the situation and really thinking, "Is he doing this because he's a terrible person who is striving to make me uphappy? Or am I just trying to put my agenda on him and he doesn't find 'that thing of the moment' to be as important as me, so he doesn't realize that it's bugging me?" Pretty much it's always the later of the two, and so I suck it up and talk it out and make a better plan where we both have a say on when and how we're going the accomplish 'that thing of the moment'. And then it all works out and we're happy again spending our free time being together, eating, talking, watching movies, making life plans, or just nothing at all but being near each other.

That's what works for us--it makes us happy and relaxed and maybe that's not everyone's cup of tea, but for me it is perfect and I'm so grateful to have found someone who works the same way. We have a peaceful home and it feels good. I love my Marcus and I thanked his mom for having him 27 years ago.
check oxford//j.crew (buy here)
navy shorts//h&m (buy similar here)
watch//skagen (buy here)
boater hat//free people (buy similar here)
pink lip color//ebay (buy similar here)
fringe necklace//old navy (buy similar here and here)
midi rings//etsy (buy similar here)
trapeze dress//asos (buy similar here)
striped watch//can't remember (buy here)
sandals//old navy (buy similar here)
diamond rings//c.o. fascinating diamonds (buy here and here)

*Fascinating Diamonds sent me CZ replicas of two of their rings to style, I'm more of a band kind of girl, but it's been fun to have something a little more formal to wear on special occasions. You can see their whole collection here.


Kirsten Wiemer said...

ok first of all let me start off with the fact that you are the most adorable pregnant girl around.
second of all, i totally agree. my husband works in the city and says that people are always similar things, or ifs not about their spouses its their children, etc. i'm glad that even though i'm sure i annoy my husband sometimes (we are all annoying sometimes) i know he would never join in on the hating brigade at work. and every time he walks in the door home from work he drops his bag to give me a big hug. good husbands are the best ever. sorry for my annoying long comment, happy birthday marcus. i hope you guys went to joe's farm grill (that's our favorite birthday meal place when we are in az).

Kelsey Eaton said...

such a sweet post! Happy birthday Marcus! I remember him being a super nice, easy going guy when he was in my fhe group at BYUI so I am not surprised you just have such a sweet loving relationship. You guys are the cutest along with that sweet baby bump!

Beverly Houpt said...

Oh man, the weather was pretty amazing last week.
It really is so sad when people speak ill of their spouses/family. Even when people give the advice- "Wait a long time before having kids. They consume your life and it's all you talk about!" Really?? That's your advice?

Unknown said...

you are the most adorable pregnant lady & you have such great style. & you are so spot on, it's so sad to hear other people talking negatively about their spouse, my husband & i spend sooo much time together & i really wouldn't want it any other way.

Coco Cami said...

Great style :) I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin and GFC. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

Camille xo


Unknown said...

Hey, Ashley that is one pretty picture. Your blog is worth a read and the pictures are always a treat. Lovely jewelry you have adorned here I see, lately I got myself an elegant ring from the same site. They do have a great collection. http://goo.gl/9GeWZ3

Unknown said...

Hi, Congratulation! You look so pretty. Love your style and the hat. I am really fond of your blog. You have some good work there. Btw stunning ring. i have seen the site http://goo.gl/CvCH6m and they have an amazing collection there.

Unknown said...

You look gorgeous, I love that hat x

Twitter: @thestylemma
Instagram: @thestylemma
Facebook: TheStylemma

Unknown said...

you have a cute bump!! xo josephine c.


© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.