lovers week ❤


Tis the week of love! I mentioned that Valentine's Day was coming up a few weeks ago and Marcus let out an annoyed sigh--luckily, I'm sort of right there with him. We love a good reason to celebrate, but we choose to celebrate Arizona's Birthday on February 14th. Obviously, neither of us are anti-love, but there's something about fuzzy red handcuffs greeting me when I walk into Target that really turns me off to the idea of a commercialized day dedicated to the emotion (said the girl in the sequined lip sweater, posing in a cage...).
Don't get me wrong, I've seen Valentines Day Decor done right and I'm all for that--I'm sure once we have kids, I'll be more interested in celebrating this holiday, but until then, it's our day to pay homage to the state in which we were both born--and I'm happy with that!
Do you have any February 14th traditions? Do share!
<<what i wore>>
sunnies//c.o. oasap
sequin lip sweater//c.o. persunmall (buy here)
red coat//c.o. persunmall (buy here)
bullhead black skinny jeans//pacsun (buy here on PROMO!)
colbalt heels//c.o. persunmall (buy here)


Irene said...

we don't! we try not to celebrate love JUST this one day but I might make a special dinner just because it's been a while we eat something fancy at home

Unknown said...

i'm in love with your sweater.and i want one too!!! my man and i not really celebrating valentine either..because this day always fall together with chinese new year and most of the year we celebrated chinese new year only..

xo josephine

Kara said...

Ryan and I pretty much agree that Valentine's day is silly. I think couples should be schmoopy 365 days a year!

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.