what people see.


At the ad agency I work for people pass around videos pretty frequently, this is the first one that had me in tears. 
Oh, if we could only see ourselves through the eyes of another.


Lauryn said...

My husband emailed this to me today. Such a good ad!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

This went around at my work too. Totally made me teary eyed.

Jen said...

I watched this yesterday. I soooo needed to see that!

Angela said...

I love this video. Thanks for sharing. Made me tear up.

Xteena said...

Thoughts on this perspective? http://jazzylittledrops.tumblr.com/post/48118645174/why-doves-real-beauty-sketches-video-makes-me

Ro said...

I found this very powerful and accurate. We're all our own worst critic and we all need to love ourselves a little more.

Irene said...

so beautiful it made me cry a bit. thanks for sharing.

L!$@ said...

Oh I saw this today without sound and just passed it off. Being able to see and hear it now makes it so much more beautiful! I love it :D

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.