{Top Five} Friday


{Top Five} Tips for a 
Happy Marriage:
1. Choose a partner that makes you feel comfortable with yourself--you should like yourself, not feel intimidated or insecure when you're with them.
2. Try and assumes they don't mean to hurt your feelings (most of the time, they don't!)--be forgiving.
3. Acknowledge when they do something you like--I mean really lather it on, chances are, they'll want to do it again!
4. Always be excited to see them and greet them with a good kiss :)
5. Decide you're going to be happy, ultimately it's your choice.

Now Yours?


ilene @ muchloveilly said...

agreeing with all of this!! love it.
happy friday, ashley!!

lauren brimley said...

Love these.

One of my favorite things to always remember is the honeymoon stage always ends, and things start to slow down and get...normal. And that's okay! Comfortable is okay. What we try to do is do little things to make the other happy to show that we love each other.

For example, Ted might fill up my gas tank without asking (favorite!) or I might make mashed potatoes because I know he loves them. Anything to show that we were thinking of each other throughout the day.

Sorry for the long comment.


Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

great words to live by!
Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

I'm not married but have been with my boyfriend for 4 years....so might as well be!

I think it's important to compliment them often: let your other half know you think they're gorgeous inside and out.


Kailey said...

Good tips!!
I think it's always important to just listent your partner. We have this gut instinct to fix everything for other people, but sometimes all they need to do is just talk!

Oh, and go on dates!!

Alex Adamson said...

I love number 2! Great advice for just about any relationship.

Amber said...
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Amber said...

ok, so this is so cool. I just found your way cute pics on flickr from the 30 day challenge group, and I thought I'd check out your blog too (your're the only person I've done this for so far BTW) and I first off see that you are mormon. Me too! Anyway, just wanted to share :)

Be Sassy Classy

Unknown said...

love. it. soooo true!!!

Trina said...

Say you're sorry. Be yourself. I like that you mentioned being comfortable, that is so essential! :)

Melody's Voice said...
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Melody's Voice said...

You are super adorable! I am so glad I found your blog!

Melody's Voice

Jenni Austria Germany said...

i love all 5 of these.

Ariane said...

I'm not married, but I will keep your advice with me!

jacquirae said...

Well this is awesome. Thanks!!

Macy Dawn said...

My Happy Marriage Tips:

1) Communication is key (the more you talk about everything, the less awkward it will be when you have to talk about something you'd like to avoid)

2) Never go to sleep angry at one another (my dad's one marriage tip that I live by)

3) Choose to participate in activities your spouse enjoys (even if its not your cup of tea, have fun- just focus on your lover and laugh a lot)

4) Show signs of affection in public (I'm not saying to go all PDA or anything, but don't let your love for one another be a secret confined to your own dwelling)

5) Lastly, be willing to let go. Don't let yourself become his mother. (I had to learn to let him go and have "guy nights" without me. And I learned that I enjoyed my "me" time just as much)


jaQ-ee said...

Well this is awesome. Thanks!!

Melody's Voice said...

You are super adorable! I am so glad I found your blog!

Melody's Voice

NanyBrazilian said...

love. it. soooo true!!!

Trina said...

Say you're sorry. Be yourself. I like that you mentioned being comfortable, that is so essential! :)

Blah Blah Becky said...

I'm not married but have been with my boyfriend for 4 years....so might as well be!

I think it's important to compliment them often: let your other half know you think they're gorgeous inside and out.


© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.