Happy Birthday, Arizona.


You know what I miss?


Growing up I dare say that I hated that desert, but Rexburg has opened my eyes.

 If I were in Arizona right now I would probably going here:
Getting drinks for this:
On grass that looked like this:
But instead I'll honor Her birth with these:
And send Her this:

So please, if you're lucky enough to be spending February 14th in Arizona, give Her my love.

I'll Be Home Soon,


The Pretty Life Anonymous said...

Oh green grass. How I miss you too.

All of my fam in Arizona were having a pool party this weekend! It's just not right.

kristine [kristine. or polly.] said...

Yay Arizona!

...but I have bad news. I went to Pops a couple weeks ago and it was closed down :( For failing a health inspection or something. BOO!

lauren brimley said...

Happy Birthday Arizona!!

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

im visiting AZ in april - this just got me excited. might need to find that little place!

happy bday, AZ!

AliceK[i]ND said...

I LOVE my Arizona! Yes, you are missing out... it's gorgeous here! Hurry up and come visit.... we miss you guys! (AZ misses you too.)

anna said...

i love and miss my desert too! (st. george, ut)

Unknown said...

yes yes arizona is a beauty today! nice, warm, and sunny. sending v-day love from AZ right back at ya.

Becca said...

The Soda Shop actually moved (or is going to move) into the Duce downtown! At least, that is the rumor I've been hearing...

kate said...

I love Pop the Soda shop. I'm hoping the rumor (above comment) is true!

Kitsune-kun said...

oohhh myyy gooosshhhh

a) thanks for your nice comment
b) sorry, my writing is weird, the dress is from Pib's (xchange) in salt lake
c)I lived in Arizona too! and LOVED the pop shop
e) I live right by your cousin austin

haha I feel like we should have met by now or something

Savannah said...

I don't live in AZ but I live in Oregon, & it's my lovely states BDAY today too :)

Becky said...

We sadly went to the pop shop the other day, too and yes it is CLOSED DOWN. I bet they didn't pay their rent. I told my Mr. Handsome he should just open up a new one!

Jenni Austria Germany said...

you look so young in that photo. and i like that cutey old valentine.

niki said...

I'll give her a nice big kiss for you (and evie will too) while we're at the park today.

also, a few things:
-i bought that h&m silver polka dot skirt (but returned it when i found a more-suited skirt for my mom's wedding... if it wasn't for lack of funding, i would have kept it.) love it on you!
-love your wedges. i have a pair very similar. (mine are prob the cheap knock of version of yours)
-love the way you belted your scarf from a few posts down! i think i'll try it. thanks for the unending inspiration.

that's all :) hope you have a happy v day!

Katherine said...

I'm here basking in the warmth of Arizona on valentine's day! Sending a little sun your way:)

❤ Katherine at sparklefarklediary.blogspot.com

Morgan//Nuts and Bows said...

Happy Bday Arizona!! You are too cute girl serious! Love the post below with that amazing skirt!! GORGE!!


Kylie said...

In true AZ form, today is a perfect February 75 degrees! I love our beautiful state and I'm sorry you miss it!
(Also, Alice, who commented above, lives down my street! What a coincidence!)
Hope your day is fabulous!

The HousewifeTravels said...

I live in the California desert. 75 degrees and sunny skies for a lovely Valentines Day. I can see why you miss it.

Maddie Bagley said...

When we went to the Pop Shop it said it was closed so hopefully the rumors of moving are true!

Alexis Kaye said...

I will give her your love! She is very lovely today :) Sunny and warm.

jamiebarazoto said...

Yes, sadly pops is closed :/ i never even had a chance to go!

Cody McWilliams said...

So I have to say thank you. I have lived here in Mesa all my life and I have never once been very grateful for it. But you definitely have showed me that I should be with all those snowy pictures. So thank you. I will now be more excited and thankful to be living in Mesa, right across the street from my lovely school. (Westwood! Woohooo!)

Macy Dawn said...

Perhaps I could mail you some keds to draw on so I can sport them around town - so fun!

Macy Dawn said...

Perhaps I could mail you some keds to draw on so I can sport them around town - so fun!

Alexis Kaye said...

I will give her your love! She is very lovely today :) Sunny and warm.

Maddie Bagley said...

When we went to the Pop Shop it said it was closed so hopefully the rumors of moving are true!

Kylie said...

In true AZ form, today is a perfect February 75 degrees! I love our beautiful state and I'm sorry you miss it!
(Also, Alice, who commented above, lives down my street! What a coincidence!)
Hope your day is fabulous!

Morgan said...

Happy Bday Arizona!! You are too cute girl serious! Love the post below with that amazing skirt!! GORGE!!


Lauren said...

Happy Birthday Arizona!!

The Pretty Life Anonymous said...

Oh green grass. How I miss you too.

All of my fam in Arizona were having a pool party this weekend! It's just not right.

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.