

For your information, today in Rexburg was (with the wind chill) NEGATIVE 22 degrees. People die in that kind of weather. 
I, on the other hand, live here. 
I need a vacation.
Somewhere tropical. Somewhere where I can drink (virgin) Pina Coladas. Somewhere that doesn't require you to wear shoes. 

Somewhere that's not here.

Anyone, anyone, can I come visit you?


ashlee bracken. said...

I'd invite you here but its also SUPER chilly in St George at the moment. I'm not a fan.
Also, your hair looks lovely. I love the blonde.

Sister Larson said...

It's not much better here in Provo. But you look absolutely beautiful in that chilly weather. I'm LOVING your blonde locks. You really do look fabulous, Ashley! :))

Jenni Austria Germany said...
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Jenni Austria Germany said...

i already invited you but your answer was a little too 2013ish for me, remember? i love this post for a lot of reasons; mostly because the title is in german and i'm pretending that's JUST for me.

lizzywrite said...

Um. Hello. It was 65 and sunny here today. It's been gorgeous! And there's a bedroom just waiting for you. :)

Andrew and Noelle said...

Love the outfit! & you're hair looks amazing!!

Mary Nevin said...

gorgeous outfit!! i especially love the shoes!! hope it warms up!

anna said...

its cold here too. for about a month then it will go back to warm. :)
you look awesome, and i love your hair!!

Kaitlyn said...

wow.. and here i am complaining about 10-30 degree weather! -20's is pretty brutal! anyway, cute outfit! love the scarf :)

Alexis Kaye said...

I LOVE your new hair color! It's so vintage glamour! And the outfit! I don't see how you wear that when it's so cold! when it drops below 50 in AZ I bundle up with the multi layers of socks, sweaters, and coats.

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

that is way too cold!

Loving you look!

Kuleigh said...

Love this outfit! I can't believe you're not wearing a coat in that weather!

Lauren Byers said...

super cute outfit!
well, here in Texas it was 18 degrees. and that's pretty cold for Texans. carazy!

Shea said...

wish I could offer but sadly I'm living in the middle of a blizzard right now, 20-24 inches expected :( I don't even know where theyll put it all!!


great outfit by the way!

Dawn said...

HOly!! maybe that's why i got an instant brain freeze when i went outside today. I heard it was -10, but -22? yuck

Kylie said...

Ew yucky! I could never handle anywhere that cold! I know you're from here so you know this, but Arizona is simply lovely right now! :)

Rachel said...

-22? I did not even know that was a possible temperature. I am so sorry!

Erica said...

You are welcome to come visit, but unfortunately, NYC is anything but tropical at the moment.

You pull off trouser socks and heels so well! I try and try, and it just doesn't work but yours look great!

angela hardison said...

this is great - love the scarf.

i would be dead if it was that cold. today i could not stop shivering and it was probably in the 50s...

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

It is -7 right now windchill in Provo and I think I want to die...I can't imagine -22.

Your hair looks pretty blonde again!

Tessa said...

Holy cow! That's cold. But your hair turned out cute, I like it!


ilene @ muchloveilly said...

come visit me. i'm in warm south carolina. :)

btw love the outfit - and way to go with joining this challenge. i'll be cheering you on!

Kari said...

How can you look SO ADORABLE when it it's so cold?!! When I lived in Rexburg, I just looked like a sad, puffy snowman all the time! ;)

Oh and speaking of Rexburg, I thought you might like this post I wrote about that SNOW GLOBE last winter:


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, I thought -7 with chill factor in Logan was horrible but I feel completely sorry for you! I can't send warm weather but i'm sending warm fuzzy wishes.

Diana Smith said...

Your hair is amazing! Yeah that is freezing!

Brittney said...

you can come here and huddle inside my house with me & my cute kids as the icy winds blast our walls outside. sounds tempting, i know.
your shoes? your SHOES! i love them! and the ginormous scarf here. way to rock it on day 1.
http://adayinlifetoo.blogspot.com (fellow remixer)

Irene said...

we have winter here but not like that! it's warmer :)

Veronica said...

Your hair turned out great! I love your outfit and your blog. You make me smile :)

Kirs:) said...

Cute outfit!! If you can handle the humidity, you are welcomed to visit Florida:):) Your talented SIL Liz's paintings even adorn the walls:):)

Unknown said...

Oh, wow, I can't believe you wear such pretty outfits when it is that cold. I wear like double layers of pants and sweaters.
We have it like a few degrees warmer here. Yey. I can't wait for spring.

Marci Dawn said...

I love your new hair!!!

Aiketa said...

Awesome outfit!
You can come to Barcelona. Here today we were at 12ºC, not tropical weather... but much more better than in Rexburg I guess.

cailen ascher said...

cute outfit! loving that scarf : )

Sara SHOEmaker said...

today it was -32 with windchill here in Rexburg..I feel your pain! Way to show the weather who's boss- this proves you can still look cute even when you're freezing :)

Ariane said...

So far so good! :)

Savanna said...

You look so good! I would die in that kinda weather! It's 39 degrees here and I thought I was freezing! Good thing the groundhog didn't see his shadow, I don't want you to freeze any more!

Cassie said...

Favorite outfit ever. Blonde locks look great.

PS - its even cold in usually warm AZ.... low in the 20's tonight..

Savannah said...

I adore this. So beautiful that scarf is perfect, and I love the pop of yellow with the socks. too too cute. Did I mention I love this look? :)


Savanna said...

You look so good! I would die in that kinda weather! It's 39 degrees here and I thought I was freezing! Good thing the groundhog didn't see his shadow, I don't want you to freeze any more!

Sara Shoemaker said...

today it was -32 with windchill here in Rexburg..I feel your pain! Way to show the weather who's boss- this proves you can still look cute even when you're freezing :)

Johanna said...

Oh, wow, I can't believe you wear such pretty outfits when it is that cold. I wear like double layers of pants and sweaters.
We have it like a few degrees warmer here. Yey. I can't wait for spring.

Irene said...

we have winter here but not like that! it's warmer :)

Kaitlyn said...

wow.. and here i am complaining about 10-30 degree weather! -20's is pretty brutal! anyway, cute outfit! love the scarf :)

elizabeth said...

Um. Hello. It was 65 and sunny here today. It's been gorgeous! And there's a bedroom just waiting for you. :)

The One Klar said...

It's not much better here in Provo. But you look absolutely beautiful in that chilly weather. I'm LOVING your blonde locks. You really do look fabulous, Ashley! :))

© 2025 i believe in unicorns. Maira Gall.